Rooted in Reselling

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Photo by Chinmay Singh from Pexels

Finding Balance as a Reseller

Whether or not we like to admit it, work-life balance is something that we all probably think about. Lately the hubs and I have been really digging our heels into sorting inventory and finding what works best for our stores. Doing so however can become extremely exhausting and downright boring if I’m being completely honest. That’s why yesterday we decided to throw in the towel after a half-day’s work. (Which was super awesome since we had a really nice lunch date together!)…But today, I’ve reaped the consequences. It’s only 7am and I’m already behind in my tasks for the day. Finding the balance you need as a reseller can be hard, especially when you’re doing all the work from home. Let’s talk about this topic more today and discuss why getting this balancing act right is crucial to your business (and sanity).

Photo by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA from Pexels, balance

Make it Work for You

What works for others may not work for you, and what works for you may not work for others. During those overwhelming times, we often think things like, “Why can’t I be as big as them?,” or, “How do they make it look so easy?”

This can really get you down if you let it, so let’s focus on ways to pick ourselves back up in those circumstances and get moving in the right direction with our business.

It’s simple really. It always is, isn’t it? If you really break things down?

“They” make it look so easy, because they’ve done it a thousand times. “They” make it to the top by piling on little win by little win, one after another.

But, just because it’s a simple process, doesn’t mean it’s an easy process. Building a business takes time, energy, and sometimes more cashflow than anticipated. (Luckily as resellers, we typically don’t have to start with as much coming out of the gates).

Time and energy, though? We may as well be the forerunners for these categories. Resellers have a lot on their lists to do in the day, and unfortunately sometimes there just isn’t enough of it. Do you feel the same?

Choose to hit the ground running and you’ll be refreshed at the end of the day when you can breathe a little. In other words, start early and make the most of the hours in your day.

Plan ahead and put processes in place that make sense and that will also make your life easier, not more stressful.

You got this.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Find a Balance That Suits Your Lifestyle

I think part of what’s so hard about working from home, or for yourself, or both rather, is the fact that we’re “always on.” This can take a toll on both our physical, mental, and relational well being…and it’s no joke.

Whether you operate a successful full-grown warehouse, or are still starting out with just a few pieces from your closet, taking that necessary “chill time” is essential for us to get the break that we need.

Sure, working 7 days a week, 18 hours a day can get a whole lot more done than not doing so, but when will your brain find time to take that chill pill?

Our lifestyles all differ from one another, so like we discussed previously, what works best for you may not be the same for others. If you have a larger family with several children, your work from home day can look much different than a single individual still saving dollars while living with their parents.

If you prefer to do more work and take little pockets here and there to meditate, go for a walk, or play with your dogs, then by all means, do so! This is typically the way that I operate, it just works for me.

However, if you are someone who likes to take an entire day, weekend, or 3 day weekend off every week, just make sure that you do the necessary work ahead of time and you’ll be able to continue to grow your business while kicking your feet up now and then as well.

Photo by Mateusz Dach from Pexels

Don’t Forget to Do You

In the end, we have to do what works best for us and our business. That’s the simple part. The hard part is trying to remember to get that quality “me time” that we all forget about.

Yesterday was lovely. It was a nice, short break from reality. But today as I mentioned earlier, I’m running around with more haste than usual, since I wasn’t prepared the night before like I usually am. Preparation always has been and always will be key, so when you decide to shut the laptop for the day, just make sure that you’re ready to go hard tomorrow to make up for it.

Your business will thank you nonetheless. (And so will your pockets!)

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels, balance

Thank You!

A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.

Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!

I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.

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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts on Your Way:

Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!

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Happy selling friends!


Disclosure: As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from the links listed above.  Please know that I highly value and utilize each one of these suggestions.  I want only to pass these gems forward to you guys, so that you are able to truly able to get value from them as I have.  Thank you for your continued support!

I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.