Hey friends! Long time, no chat. I wanted to hop on today to talk about where we’ve been and what this year is...
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Rooted in Reselling
Rooted Drawers is Back Online with a New Offer to Fellow Resellers
Hey friendssssss. After a much needed break from the reselling world we live in, it’s refreshing to say that we are back at...
Recognizing the Signs of Burnout: Bye Bye for Now to Reselling
Hey folks, thanks for tuning in today. If you’ve been following the Rooted Drawers journey for awhile now, you’ll know that it’s been...
Flipping The Script On Scavenging: Finding An Alternative Route To Amp Up Our Reselling Game
Hey guys and gals of the reseller world! It’s been a hot minute and I’m here to tell you why. Last time we...
How To Continue Rotating Stale Items Without Spending To Maintain Revenue
Greetings and happy Summer! If you’re as excited as me about yard selling season being upon us, just know that you’re not alone!...
Rising Above the Flood: How We Successfully Moved and Organized Our Inventory
Hey you guys!! I hope everyone has had some fantastic holidays and business ventures so far throughout the first half of this beautiful...
Why You Should Continue Listing on ebay When Your 90 Day Total Decreases
Over time, listing similar items can start to become overwhelming…and frankly, plain old boring. It’s during these times that I so often feel...
A Resellers Guide To Getting Started Selling on Ebay In 2024
Hey friends! Happy New Year and Happy 2024!!! If you guys are just stopping by for the first time here at Rooted In...
Why I’ll Be Shutting The Doors To Cross-Listing Once & For All Going Into 2024
If you’ve been around for awhile, you may have read a few posts by now about my feelings on cross-listing. Over the years,...
How WhatNot Cost Me $10,000 This Year
Correct, cost. Not made. You, I, and the world of resellers in this blog talked before about how important it is to think...
Is Reselling From Thrift Stores Wrong? Why I No Longer Get Bothered In The Thrift
Hey you, yes you! My fellow reseller and friend of the interwebs. Have you ever gone into a thrift store only to have...