Having No Social Media, Making it Work Without
A long long time ago, in a land far, far away. I used to want all the Social Media’s! I had Myspace, way before Facebook ever showed itself. It was after all, what all the cool kids were doing. The best part was being able to make your favorite song play as soon as your page was opened. Sweet!
Anyways, before that was AOL, oh man, I know I’m not too old just yet, but this sure makes me feel it. The dial up, the waiting, the anxiety, oye. Those were the days, right? So, let me explain how I got to having nearly no social media these days.
We all can agree that getting anywhere online back then took sooo long. But the build up was so exciting! AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) got old pretty quickly once Myspace took its place in the online world, though. If your parents didn’t let you have one, well, you may as well forget about going out with the super cool boy on the football team you had the likes for. I once almost fell out of my chair when you know, that boy, commented on one of my Myspace pics. Holy cow was I on cloud nine. Oh to be 16 again, right?
Snake, Anyone?
These were the early days though; the days before Facebook became super big. I was only in High School whenever it came out, and it was no where near being what it has transformed into today. I, of course, was hooked when I got to college, I was on it constantly. Scrolling, liking, commenting, checking every 5 minutes to see if anyone had liked a post of mine. It was such a new thing, still. This was also before the days of Instagram, or Insta I suppose it’s called nowadays. There was no posting pictures of food, or “foodies.” No one had time for that.
I feel like a lot of younger adults, or kids today don’t really understand that there wasn’t even internet on most cell phones for pete’s sake! My generation was most likely the first to be excited about “Snake.” Yeah, you know what game I’m talking about. The most boring, monochrome game known to man. Besides Pong, probably. But hey it was a game, and it was something to distract from school being so overwhelming, so whatever, it worked!
Pins for Days!
Interestingly enough, I never did end up getting an Instagram. I’m surprised, actually. I just never really got into it. I did however, dabble in several others. For example, Foursquare was pretty cool for a while, but I wasn’t all about having to update my whereabouts so frequently. So, that didn’t last long.
Then I thought Snapchat was alright too, this was nearly a decade ago though, so, it’s been awhile. I’ve no idea what it’s like today, but I hear it’s changed a lot. Why not just use your text and send a pic? Same difference, really.
Now, twitter amazes me. EVERYone has it. Even the PRESIDENT! Sheesh, do I feel out of place or what? Tweeting’s pretty unique, but I only know the basics of it. I always had a hard time thinking of a cool line as it is for Facebook back in the day to put as my “Status.” I always ended up adding too many characters.
Anyways, Pinterest is one that I have actually been a part of for quite some time. It’s pretty cool, actually. Pinterest is more visual, a search engine, rather than a social media platform. I know that in a way, all social media is pretty “visual” (duh, Shelby). But, Pinterest tells you what you want, right there in the first picture. Boom, done. It’s a one stop shop. It loves when you’re consistent, (which platform doesn’t?) But it also gives your pins the half-life of a bajillon times the amount of any other platform. PLUS your pins can get shared over and over and over for like, ever.
Half-Life Breakdown
Here’s a quick breakdown of the most recent “half-life” (its median lifespan) of social media posts:
Twitter: 24 Minutes
Facebook: 1.3 Hours
Instagram: 48 Hours
Pinterest: 3.5 Months
I get it, this post is all like, “No Social, No problem.” But the thing is, I really only use Pinterest; for personal entertainment, but mostly for my business. It is a spectacular marketing and promoting tool, and I’m trying all I can to learn the best ways behind it to give myself the quickest and most beneficial boost.
I love learning and look forward to being able to update you guys whenever I find new fun things to help grow our businesses together! So rest assured, if I find any secrets, I’ll be sure to spill the beans. Besides Pinterest, however, I only have my reselling platforms. I’ve moved on from the wonderful world of Facebook. So here I am, Pinterest and done.
Baby Steps
So, why no social, you ask? Well, while it’s true that having any form of social media can heavily influence the amount of traffic that your business or blog receives, it is also true that it is a large added workload, among other things. This article is only my view and opinion of the world of social media, however, so please don’t let it influence your personal decision whether or not to add it to your options of growth to your business.
Each and every added platform or social media that you delve into, opens up a whole other world of opportunities, this is the case for most people. I like to look at things differently though. I chose to only keep Pinterest, for the sole fact that I’ve done lots of research lately, and came to a conclusion that it is most certainly going to be the absolute fastest and best way to gain any traction for growth.
For this reason, I want to force all of my efforts into this one platform to learn all of the best practices, making the best chance that I will succeed in it first and foremost. I like to do most things in life this way, not just regarding my business. Sometimes it’s really easy to go head first and really challenge yourself. But in some ways, that’s not always the best. Because of this concept, I’ve chosen to do more of dipping my feet in, testing out the waters, gliding into each new journey just a little at a time. This way seems to work best for me.
Use What You’ve Got!
I Get by With a Little Help from My Friends
Future Ventures
Although a lot of people may think that the more, the better, is the right path, I lean more towards knowing that if I can take my time, and master one thing slowly, then I can move on in the future to a new part of that path. If you just jump in, all limbs flailing and making a big splash, well then you may get lucky and do really good for a day or two, but like I’ve said before, I’m in it for the long haul. Therefore, I want to do more than just make a big splash; I want to create waves that keep on going!
Now, I’m not one to ever write anything off completely, so I’m not saying that perhaps in the future I won’t be more open to new platforms to sell on, or more social media to promote on.
However, this is the way that I choose to slowly grow my reselling business, and it’s not been doing too shabby so far! Having patience can always be difficult at first, it is human nature however, to want results and get them fast. Especially given the time we are living in.
But most of the times it’s far worth the wait, and taking your time usually means less errors, more efficient progress with learning new things, and better results over a period of time. Businesses, blogs, any form of a new venture, for that matter, are most definitely marathons, not sprints.
Thanks a Bunch!
Thank you for reading about my views and opinions when it comes to growing your business or following different forms of social media. Although there are many ways to go about this venture, I hope that you enjoyed reading about mine.
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
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Be Sure To Check Out My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Ebay Store! Click Here To Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and read this when you’re finished for My Best Ebay Selling Tips!

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