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Why I Still Go Thrifting While I Reorganize My 5,000 Piece Inventory

Fellas and Fellettes. (Dunno if that’s a word…but we’re making it one!) I have a secret to tell you. Even though I have over 5,000 items that I ended on eBay that need refreshed and relisted…even though I still have probably 10,000 items that haven’t even been pictured yet, I still make time for thrifting. Yes, to purchase newly found treasures to resell. It’s a problem. But! Not a problem I’m ashamed of. I’d like to invite you to thrift when you feel the itch as well, (within reason of course), and here’s why.

Searching for ebay reseller items


Fresh Start, Fresh Listings

I do a lot of things in life based off of feelings. Sure, it’s probably not something you want to mess around with when it comes to important business decisions or big life changes, but when it comes to therapeutically thrifting, count me in. I don’t need to crunch the numbers to know that I don’t need anymore products to keep me busy picturing for the next 365+ days, but if I continue to squash those feelings when they come along, I’ll become increasingly more depressed about doing this as a chore instead of because it’s my passion.

You don’t need to have a large inventory to be a good reseller. Heck, you don’t even have to have a medium-sized inventory to be one. All you need are a few good bins or boxes (we like boxes, those babies are freebies), and a decent sized knowledge of the item your selling (or know how to research said item), and Voila! Your listings will sell themselves.

If you’ve been following for some time, you’ll know that Rooted Drawers has taken a brief break from the reselling world and is slowly diving back into it. And in that time, I ended almost 5,000 items on our eBay store. It was a little heartbreaking but oh so refreshing at the same time.

Since then, I’ve started from scratch with new photos, new listings and descriptions, the whole shebang. Starting over, if you will, with more experience than ever before on how to do things right the first time around. You know those vloggers that talk about “How they’d start an eBay store in 2025 if they knew then what they know now?” Yeah, that’s me, but I’m actually doing exactly that, because why not completely start over after 8 or so years in? What’s the worst that could happen?

I actually feel 100% better this time around knowing that my store needed a full reset. It was overdue for a really big refresh and it was just not feasible to do it little section by little section anymore. So, as I near listing number 500 this time around, I’m selling better and faster than ever because I’m enjoying my time and making better decisions.

ebay reselling tips for hats


3 Keys to Success in Reselling

Here’s the decisions that I’ll suggest you stick with no matter what throughout the time you’re in business:

  • DON’T SKIMP. No matter how many packages you get per day to ship out, no matter how many cramps your hand gets from writing thank-you’s by hand, no matter how many extra packing materials you waste because you want to be sure and double sure that shit is on lock, DO NOT SKIMP. Go the extra mile, do the extra work, and package your products safely. These are things I wish I would have never let off the gas pedal on.
  • LIST EVERY SINGLE DAY. I thought I could get away with listing a few times a week. Or just a lot one day and none the next. Or ending and relisting stale items to “cheat” while on vacation. Guys and gals of the reselling world, just do the work. It’ll pay off in the end. Keep it simple, start with just a few a day and schedule out for vacations or time away, it’ll make your life so much easier not having to worry about missing a day or relisting from your beach chair.
  • KEEP THE PASSION ALIVE. If you became a reseller because you thought it was going to make you a bunch of dough really fast, or because you hate your 9-5 and thought it was an escape route, you’re doing it for all the wrong reasons. Sure, it’s helped me to exit some 9-5’s, sure, it’s helped me stash some extra cash on the side, but it’s also brought me a ton of joy along the way and ensured me that I absolutely love digging through people’s old and unwanted things no matter how many there are or how weird they can be at times. It’s extremely fun to me, and every time I think I can go without it for awhile, another opportunity pops up and reminds me how much I truly love this grind.

woman with money in a jar


Get Obsessed in Whatever You Do

So, why do I still thrift even though I have thousands of unlisted items? Because opportunities now present themselves even more so than they ever have before, because at 8 years in, I now have a plethora of contacts that actively reach out to me on a regular basis.

But it’s not just that these things come knocking, it’s also because I want to say yes instead of no to growing my brand and exposure to myself as a reseller. Don’t shy away from letting others know what you do. Embrace it and let it grow as something that becomes a part of you.

Reselling is something that I’m obsessed with. Not in a weird way, but in an “OMG I can’t wait to relax and thrift” way. My friend @reginastrends and I were just talking about this recently. How it’s not just shopping for used goods. It’s a form of therapy at the end of a long work day. It’s a way to chill out and snag deals for yourself or to make an extra buck online. Don’t let others’ judgement get the best of you. If you love it, let your reselling wings fly, my friend!!

If you feel the urge to thrift because you can’t pass up that new store on the way home, check it out. Just be sure to also list what you have so your death pile doesn’t get larger! It’s okay if you have one, don’t let the internet shame you for it. If you’re bored of listing the same old things every day then just try another category. There’s nothing wrong with switching it up and learning some new information along the way.

I challenge you to do something today in the reselling world based off a gut feeling. (A small thing, obvs.) Take it in and really feel how it makes you feel. Does it overwhelm you? Or does it feel refreshing to scratch that reselling itch only us true resellers have? This is your passion. Let it be present and stop treating your business like another to-do on your list.

Now, get to thrifting! <3

taking good photos for reselling


Thank you for Reading Why I Still Go Thrifting While I Reorganize My 5,000 Piece Inventory!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read! I hope you found some inspiration, tips, or a little motivation to keep thriving in your reselling journey. If you ever feel the itch to thrift or need a boost, remember—you’re not alone! Keep pushing forward and, as always, happy reselling!

I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.  

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