5 Minute Read
Choosing My First Thermal Printer (Hint: Not a Rollo)
In this article, I plan to divulge just why I made the leap from using a Dymo 4XL thermal printer for over a year, to the Rollo. I had a hard time even purchasing the Dymo in the first place, due to it being significantly higher in cost than your normal, everyday printer.
The reason that I went with the Dymo to begin with, is because I’d seen a few YouTubers mentioning that it had saved them time and money on supplies. (For example, not having to buy ink or paper that was just being wasted when you cut out your 4×6 labels).
I’m all about saving time and money, and I’m sure most of you are, too. So, I decided to take the plunge, and hope for the best. Setting the Dymo up however, was a real doosey. I know they talk about it being quick and easy, but I am not too tech savvy, and so it took me a bit longer than expected to figure it out. I couldn’t get it hooked up to my computer correctly, so that was pretty frustrating, but nonetheless, I was eager to try it out after that was all finished.
How Did I Like the Dymo?
For the first few weeks, things were going great. I was elated with the time saved by printing these thermal labels and the ease of simply sticking them on my packages.
I found this was much easier than cutting them all out, and deciphering which package needed which label.
*Here’s a quick tip I’ve learned: Keep a Sharpie nearby your shipping station, and use it to write the names of the buyers on the sealed packages. This makes it much easier to distinguish them when you are ready to print your labels. I prefer to print only one at a time, to be sure not to confuse any. This has worked for me so far, and (knock on wood), I’ve not had any problems with mixed up packages.
Related: 14 Little Products That Make Big Changes in Your Business
Riding the Struggle Bus
After about a year or so of struggling with the Dymo, I decided it was time to retire it and find a new one. I’d had enough of it jamming and printing double labels. I was constantly having to stop the work that I was doing, just to mess with it yet again and cross my fingers that it held on a little longer. This was just tiring and annoying.
I would say about once or twice a week it would jam up, leaving me to figure out where and how to take the darn thing apart. This is not something I’m all that great at, so it took me some time. If it wasn’t jamming, it was overprinting…like A LOT. I would sometimes get 5-10 labels instead of just one, and that can eat up your paper supply pretty quickly.
Finally I discovered a little reset technique that I found on YouTube, and that worked for a while, until it stopped working, too. It literally just kept printing through my entire roll of paper and would not stop until unplugging. My frustration had hit its limit with the Dymo 4XL, and so I began searching for a better solution.
Discovering the Rollo Thermal Printer
After spending more hours searching this time around, I finally settled on investing in a Rollo. (And I’m so glad I did!) Life in the printing department has been a much easier ride since switching over, and I’d love to tell you why.
Thus far, I have had not one jamming error. Not one over print. Not one problem, period. I absolutely love how the Rollo is designed to fit on your desk better, and how simple it was to set up.
It is small and rectangle in shape, taking up far less space than the bulky Dymo 4XL. It looks simple and minimalistic for those who enjoy that style, and only needs a small space behind it to hold the labels. (I actually have them leaning against the wall in an upwards position on my desk, to take up even less space. I’ve had zero problems so far with them being that way).
Optional Add-On
If you’d prefer, you could even purchase an affordable little label holder, to sit behind it to keep them nice and organized.
Here’s a few different ones that I’ve found on Amazon:
- Here is one that hold the “Fan-Fold” type of labels.
- And another that holds both “Fan-Fold” or Rolls.
That is something else that I love about Rollo. The fact that you can choose which labels you like best, whether it be fan-fold or rolls, the Rollo is compatible with either.
It was really hard to make the decision to make this investment, as it was quite costly. But, that’s quite simply what it is, an investment, in yourself and also in your business.
I highly recommend when purchasing a Rollo though, to use their website and purchase it directly. (As opposed to searching Amazon or another 3rd party). Their website (which you can visit here), also has a chat option, that you’re able to contact customer service through, that warrants a rather quick response. (As opposed to emailing and waiting days for a potential reply).
Make life easier and less frustrating for yourself and choose the Rollo if you are just starting out. Even if you have another printer you’ve been using thus far, consider making the switch when you are ready. It is well worth it.
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
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