8 Minute Read
Yes, I said revamp the Entire Closet!
So, let me just say that this whole revamp thing took a lot of thinking and months of planning. I kept on considering the pros and cons, and was coming up short on the cons side of things. I was simply tired of taking up my teeny inventory space with a slew of stale, smaller profit items.
As my business has been growing, I have been expanding my storage area from a small corner, to a whole wall, to multiple walls, then to multiple rooms…and now to our garage! It’s literally getting to the point where I’m actually decluttering more of my own personal items, to make more space for my inventory.
This may seem weird to you, since I’m all for the peaceful Zen vibes of my decluttered and organized home nowadays. However, decluttering more, makes more space available for my inventory to fit certain spaces, carefully disguised so that it isn’t that overwhelming.
Quick Interlude About Posts!
Let me pause real quick by saying that I am super sorry for the missed sales of the week posts on this past Friday! I truly appreciate and value each and every supporter and reader of mine, and I have come to the conclusion that this post will need to be moved to Thursdays from here on.
As the summer months roll out, gardening season starts (and also yard saling, yay!), so Friday mornings will already be quite jam packed (as is what happened with last week), with gym time, gardening, shipping, and (possible yard sales). All of this calls for a lot to do in a little bit of time, and since I’m only one person, I feel as though moving the post to Thursdays will be much more beneficial for everyone. (Surely I can’t be the only one to do these things!)
I am hopeful that this will work for everyone else as well! A subscriber recently let me know that if she’s not able to read right away, that she can simply save the email to read at a later time. This is brilliant! Why hadn’t I thought of it? (Thank you Miss Amber!)
I’ve been investing a lot lately in wholesale and bulk inventory. Like motherloads. So Friday and Saturday the hubs and I took care of some of that as well. (Make sure you Subscribe to be notified of a new post to come, describing my wholesaling and bulk buy adventures!)
Okay, now back to today’s post!
Why Did I Decide to Do a Revamp Anyways?
I really like to start out sometimes with definitions of things. It makes it clearer for myself and to others I believe, to really get a grasp on what something actually means in full.
So, here it is! re-vamp: to give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. (Thanks Google Dictionary! Who remembers having to still actually LOOK for the word in a REAL dictionary!?!? (Let’s discuss down in the comments below!)
This is exactly what my store(s) needed. I have been running them for over two years now, and it just simply was time for a few changes to roll out. (I’m actually working with a designer now, to help me in rebranding and revamping overall. (Subscribe to keep an eye out for a post in the future to hear all about my experience!)
I’m over the moon about the changes thus far, and there are so many more yet to come. Let’s talk about Poshmark though, cause that’s what you’re here for!
Re-Donate and Re-Freshen
Yep. I re donated a bunch of items. It was hard, it was sad, and it was needed. I had a plethora of sales in my closet for many months leading up to this, to get my inventory down to as little as possible in my closet. There was even times where I came out negative in a few sales, but I was happy to give these items new homes!
After doing some hard thinking though, I realized that I just needed more space. I have a lot of incoming fresh, new, and better quality items, and they needed homes as well! So, off to the local Goodwill the stale items went.
At one point, I was up to nearly 1,500 active listings in my Poshmark closet. FIFTEEN HUNDRED PEOPLE. Dang. But once I got it down to around 400, I started going through my items one by one, and making sure I didn’t miss any from my bins. I then marked them ALL as “Not For Sale,” and started over.
Related: How I Profited $25,000 in My Poshmark Business
*Tip: I marked these items as “Not For Sale,” instead of just deleting them, in the case that I may stumble upon a missed piece somewhere, or perhaps an item that’s crosslisted doesn’t have the SKU. This will save me in those situations, and also can keep my listing count moving upwards.
The Re-Start
So, about a week ago, I started re listing all of my shoes into my Poshmark closet. This wasn’t too bad, since I use a service called “Hammoq,” to help me list. I decided after that, why not, and started crossing over some other items as well. Then after a few days, decided to get rid of those, and just keep my closet with shoes only. (For the time being at least).
Related: How to Find the PERFECT Virtual Assistant
After going through all of this work with hundreds of listings, I really wanted my closet to look nice and refreshed. The shoes all face the same way, all have white backgrounds (if possible), and have a nice, cohesive look. I love this. Like, so much. This is how I plan to keep growing my new and improved Poshmark closet for the foreseeable future.
Side Note: (I’m currently working on some rebranding, which I will update in my closet and other platforms once it is all finished! Keep checking back, because it is going to look awesome and I’m so excited to share it with you!!)
Be sure to stop by next week, where I want to talk about why I also have DELETED ALL of my Mercari listings!!! Yes, I actually deleted those ones…keep in touch to find out why!
Do YOU Need a Re-Start?
Check out your closet, your platform, or whatever you’re working on these days, whether it be business or not. If you find yourself stuck in a rut and don’t know which way is up anymore, perhaps it’s time for a change!
Decluttering, refreshing, revamping, they’re all one in the same. And sometimes we as humans just need a little change in our lives to make a new and fresher start on our projects, or on ourselves. This, too, can open new doors sometimes, so if you’re feeling a change coming your way, don’t be afraid to take the leap!
Related: How to Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy While You Work From Home
*P.S.!! (Yet ANOTHER post to come soon, will be all about how CHANGE IS NOT GOOD when you’re selling on eBay! Subscribe to stay notified, and find out all about why I feel this way, I’ll see you soon!)
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Be sure to Subscribe to be notified of any new articles to come!
Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Pop over to Our Blog Posts Page to view all of Rooted in Reselling posts!
Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts:
My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best Ebay Selling Tips!
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