I know most of you are probably wondering where the heck I’ve been as of late. It’s been a weird, difficult, and challenging month to say the least. So, I figured this would be a great time to touch on just why I love reselling so much, and why it will always, most definitely be a part of my life.
If you’ve not had the chance to read my most recent post, it preludes this one and it is best paired with the content below if read first.
Writing, Working From Home, & Worrying.
If you’ve been following me for some time now, you’ll know that I have two passions, (besides my family and pets of course!), and those two passions are reselling and writing, in really whichever order since I love them both equally. I’ve lacked in both of these realms of my life lately, and I can 100% tell you why…which is why I thought this post was necessary.
Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs at us and I’ll never understand exactly why. It throws all kinds…hard, mini, upwards, and downwards spirals, you name it. The most recent month of no writing has been the cause of some serious heartache, being the loss of my best friend and furry soul mate, Dozer.
He was the best thing in life besides life itself to me, bringing more joy than I’d ever thought possible from a tiny fur ball creature. The battles he fought that I outlined in my most recent post had finally taken over his body a few Sundays back. My heart broke harder and in more pieces than I’d ever experienced in my life.
A lot of people say that pets are just pets, that you can just get another one, and I know a lot of people who do exactly that. However, I know in my heart that this is going to take a long, long time to get through fully, and although the hurt will somewhat subside, the memories never will.
I was so busy worrying about Dozer, worrying about working from home and worrying about what I wanted to write about next, that life flew by in a flash. As I said before, he’s really taught me now, more than ever, to slow down…to embrace life at its fullest potential.

Pets have a way of showing us the person we can truly be when the going gets ruff. 🐕
- Related: How To Work From Home With Pets
Restarting My Reselling Road
Since I’ve set my reselling on the back burner the last few months, my sales have dramatically plummeted. When I say dramatically, I couldn’t be more serious. These are the literal worse numbers I’ve had as of yet in my entire 4 year reselling career. It’s very upsetting.
I’m writing today about this to show you that not only does life take a toll on us as a person, but on our businesses as well. However, the truth of the matter is that no matter how far you fall down the ladder, there’s always another rung to grab back onto.
Starting from scratch is what I’ve done in the past, and starting from (almost) scratch is what I plan to do again. Revamping the way I list, photograph, ship, etc. is just something that need to turn with the tide.
Adapt and overcome.
Ready as ever to get the ball rolling again, I plan to make a big splash back into the reselling community, with better than ever before ways of doing so. Oh yes, there are big things in the making.
Can you guess what they are?
Why I’ll Never Change Careers (Ever) Again.
I love what I do. I don’t think that will ever change. My jobs were endless before reselling, quitting 1 or 2 every few months or around the time I’d hit a year. Looking back now, I knew that I had more in me, more ways to quit the rat race, and more ideas to help others in their own journey. That was my passion, giving. (Which is probably why I loved serving so much).
The ways that I’ve come to understand myself as a person, a woman, a wife, and a pet mom, have no bounds. It’s beyond my belief how much a few years can teach you when you start working for yourself and developing an entirely new way of living, being, and doing.
If I never fell into reselling, if I never pushed myself to reach the level I’m currently at, I’d still be depressed in a day job working for the boss/company/brand I didn’t find joy in.
If I never really drove down the reselling road that I’m on today, I never would have had so much valuable time to spend with my incredible dog that I loved more than anything. And if I’d never taken the steps to make working from home a possibility, I’d still be fighting with myself about wanting to be home all the time when I have kids, and still not have the option to do so.
Reselling has given me the freedom to make my own decisions, to find creative ways of thinking that I didn’t before know were possible in my brain, and has opened doors to endless possibilities and endeavors that I still only dream about.
One day soon we’ll take more of those roads together, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your support in doing so. Thank you.
This post is in very loving memory of Dozer.
Until the day we meet again on the Rainbow Bridge…
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts and hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!
I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
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Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!
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