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Do You Have a VA to Help With Listings?
Well, if you do, you may already be thinking the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, having a VA (or multiple VA’s) has been an extremely helpful part of my business these days. However, I just wanted to write a short post about just why it is so important to be double checking your listings when you have a VA. Trust me, your store depends on it.
- Related: How to Find the PERFECT Virtual Assistant
- Related: How I Came to Having Not One, But FIVE Virtual Assistants
Convenience, Not Cancelations.
The whole point of course in outsourcing your work to begin with, was to make it more convenient for you to get things done. Plain and simple. That’s the bottom line. But, when you don’t take at least “a little” time to double check certain things, this can lead to cancelations, and defects on your account. (I’m mostly referring to eBay in this article). And those are no good for anyone.
I learned this the hard way of course. I began outsourcing, got really excited about all this new found time on my hands, and slipped up. That’s usually how it happens doesn’t it? You get all rambunctious about your new fun thing, and then oops. Something goes wrong.
Luckily, it wasn’t a terrible screw up, but it definitely made me buckle down on double checking and approving listings before they went live. You see, my VA is extremely helpful, and totally on top of it. But, like all human beings, we make mistakes. And that’s just part of life. (And outsourcing.)
One cold winter day, about a month or so ago, there it was, a grand sale, a set of weights, that flipped in only a handful of days. It was glorious! Who doesn’t love a fast flip!? But then it happened. I got them all packaged up, laid them on the scale, and something didn’t look quite right. The total weight (including the shipping box), was only slightly over 5lbs. Nope. That definitely wasn’t right. My listing was incorrect in the total weight of the set, therefore resulting in a cancelation for that sale. Bummer.
This was an honest and true mistake that happened in my eBay store last month. This is straight up proof that each and every one of us are human and can make mistakes. We just need to learn from them, move forward, and move on with our business.
Other Categories and Listing Details You Need to Double Check.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the parts of my listings I like to quickly (but not too quickly) go over before making a listing live:
- Weight: I like to make sure items are at least in the first class or priority shipping category, based on my best guesstimate of what that may be. You’ll find this will become much easier the further you travel along in your reselling journey. If there is a big or heavy unusual item however, I will make sure to adjust the shipping category as such.
- Pictures: Make sure your pictures are in the correct order that you desire. I try to do this when uploading them for my VA, but sometimes they get mixed up. This only takes a literal second, and is definitely worth the check. Also be sure that your pictures are not being cut off or cropped funny.
- Price: Make sure to be checking your pricing! I’ve not really had any troubles with this so far with my VA, but here and there I will raise or drop the price just slightly, usually because of the amount it will cost to ship the item. (I’ve actually noticed that most times the price point is right on. I have been able to move more new inventory lately, and I think that not only am I possibly sourcing better items, but my price is more spot on than what it used to be).
- Category: Also be sure that your item is listed in the correct category. At times I will notice that mens may be listed as womens, womens may be listed as girls, you get the point. You’re just better off double checking that and being safe rather than sorry.
- Description: I have a prompt that my VA has on hand, that I like to add at the bottom of every listing stating my store policies, (e.g., smoke free, pet friendly, same day shipping, etc.) But make sure if you do this, that it is the same in every description. If it is on the longer side, it may get cut off and look like you forgot to finish typing somet….(something!) Lols. I crack myself up. Anywhooo, also make sure that you are checking the description for any flaws or size discrepancies of your listing.
I hope that this short article will help you some if you ever decide to invest in a VA! (virtual assistant)
Please remember that this is just my own opinions based off of my own personal and business experiences. Don’t hesitate to add any comments or concerns below in the comment section! I’d love to hear how you feel about these tips, or if you have any tips and tricks of your own! Happy Monday!
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
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Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts:
My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best Ebay Selling Tips!
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