Well to begin, let’s just say that reselling has always been in my blood. I just didn’t embrace it until about a year ago. I had no idea it was something that could replace my job until I really dove in. And then it’s like the Heaven’s opened up and I finally saw the light!
Instead of just a homemaker, I could become a “work from home wife.” All the while, providing a supplemental income to my growing family by living out my entrepreneurial dream. Building a business on the side by doing something I love, while getting to spend time with those whom I love most. There was just one hiccup, I couldn’t figure out where to start. Or how to become one of those big successful businesses that everyone talks about online.
That’s a good point to start on actually, me. I’ve never been all that great at beginning something. In other words, I’m just simply more of a “hands on” kind of learner. But once I get the hang of it, I’m in it to win it.
That’s the best part, reselling is kind of like writing, you overthink about how to start out, but then it just flows. You get sucked into the hazy cloud of words fluttering around your head and can finally grab ahold of them. Sometimes unexpected circumstances can lead you into the most exciting adventures. That adventure is what I’m on right now, and it’s taking front and center.
Reseller by Nature
Growing up, I was always the kid who wanted to sell like, EVERYthing. Heck, I’m pretty sure I even suckered my Pap into buying a picture I made out of Elmer’s Glue and sawdust from the house my parents were building. You name it, I’ve probably tried selling it. As a result, I of course wanted to keep finding more ways to grow my side hustle.
Besides that, I remember selling individually wrapped candy pieces to friends and family in my dad’s print shop. While, of course sitting behind the super cool stand that he built for me with awesome little cubby holes for my “inventory” and toy cash register.
I had big plans, until I ran out of candy…but then! An idea emerged; why not make some popcorn and divvy it out to customers for say, 25 cents a pop? Get it, pop, popcorn? I crack myself up. And so, even though these things sound silly, it’s what I remember most about my start in entrepreneurship. I had the willpower and the eagerness to keep finding more things. I wanted all the things!
The Beginning of A Fun & Frugal Journey!
Reselling and thrifting has become a huge passion of mine since then. It is Earth-friendly, it’s incredibly fun, it’s the thrill of the hunt to find one of a kind items. That’s probably my favorite part, the part where I get to dig through what some may call junk and see the beauty behind each and every unique piece. The way I see it, the harder to find, the better. If there’s a heaping pile of items thrown on top of each other (aka the bins), send me in. It’s exciting to be able to find the needle in the haystack.
While I love looking for items to resell, I also make time to find things for my own home. Most of our home has been furnished with thrifted pieces or antique gems that I’ve come across over the years. They all have their own personal story, and I love that. How they were found, where they came from, who the owner may have been. It’s so intriguing and that’s just something you won’t find at a department store.
Creating this blog has been a want of mine for several different reasons. I’ve been considering it for some time now, more like years probably, but as I’ve previously stated, really didn’t know how to start. That is until my husband said to me yesterday, “You should start a blog.” Let me just tell you, he’s 100% the smartest man I’ve ever met, and 99.9% of the time, he is right. (Eye roll). He has changed my life in so many ways and has encouraged me to become such a stronger and better person, so I thought, let’s do this.
The Struggle was Real
Not just reselling, but also writing, has always been something I’ve enjoyed, even though I wasn’t the best student. Somehow even when I waited until the last minute to write a paper that was due, I could easily finish it in a short time. It’s like I didn’t even have to try. I never liked making those silly bubble charts, or outlines, drafts, etc. I always sort of felt like they were a waste of time. If I’m going to write, that’s what I want to do. Just sit down, and write.
Now, of course proofreading and spell checking are important and of course I want my readers to enjoy the content. However, this is also something that I’m doing for me, and I want to enjoy what I do. I think anyone that is looking to begin this journey as well is looking for the same goals.
I’m hopeful that what I write about is something that inspires you as well while sifting through my journey of reselling and life. It is truly so exciting to be able to share my interests and passions with others who feel the same, and I am overly thankful that we live in a day where technology has surpassed expectations and that we all have this incredibly amazing opportunity.
Thanks a Bunch!
Most importantly, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my first blog post, and for your support in the days, months, and years to come. I really strive to do my best at everything I take on, including growing my reselling business.
Helping others is something else that I’m also passionate about and I want to help as many people with the same goals in mind as I can. Together, as a community, we can push past barriers and knock down the walls that have blocked our ways. Together, we can and will climb that not so scary stairway to success.
Thank you for reading.
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Pop over to Our Blog Posts Page to view all of Rooted in Reselling posts!
Poshmark Store (Linked Above in “Rooted Drawers”)
Be Sure To Check Out My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Ebay Store! Click Here To Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and read this when you’re finished for My Best Ebay Selling Tips!

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