A New Post, and The Continuation of a New Fun Journey!
Hey there everyone! I just wanted to start off by thanking you all for returning to read my posts, and for being so supportive thus far. I genuinely and whole heartedly appreciate it and can’t thank you enough. So! To actually thank you, I thought I could do a little giving back in a new weekly post for you guys!
I’ve gone back and forth as to if I wanted to make a new post weekly of My top 10 unique sales, or My top 10 favorite sales, etc. But, I’ve come to the conclusion that the best and most helpful posts would probably be consisting of My Top 10 BEST Sales!
Today will be week number 9 of this new little blogging series, and I’ve love to hear about how you like it in the comments below! Let me know what your favorite or best sales were of the week, or if you have any suggestions to improve upon this and future posts.
I hope this provides some useful information for you all, and that you can take something away from it each and every week. I will be providing the item that sold, the platform that it sold on, the date sold, and the price that it sold for. Also, I will be letting you know if these items were sold by sending an offer, receiving an offer, or if they sold for full price. These will be listed from highest to lowest in sold price, from numbers 10 to 1.
Side Note
So, if you’ve read my last Top Ten Sales post, you already know that my incredibly helpful husband has taken over the sending offers part of the Poshmark platform. Yayy! He has really been a huge help lately, and has pushed me past my comfort zone to really get moving on clearing some space out. (I’m gonna go ahead and label him my accountability partner, you should get one of these, too!)
It’s been a huge benefit because they are making room for new, and better inventory to come! By opening up this space from older, stale items, it leaves a lot of new space available to store and higher profit margin items.
*Tip about “Hard Goods”: Make sure when you are finding hard goods however, that they are not too big, bulky, lengthy, or heavy. Of course UPS and FedEx offer better rates sometimes when it comes to these categories, but a lot of times you’ll still end up paying nearly $20-$30 in shipping, and that’s no fun. So just keep this in mind whenever you’re sourcing, and make sure those items will leave you enough room for a good profit margin. These items also take much longer to package, ship, and often take up more room in your inventory storage. Related: What Exactly are “Hard Goods?”
Past 10 Top Sales Posts:
- January
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 1/23-1/29)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 1/16-1/22)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 1/9-1/15)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 1/2-1/8)
- December
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 12/26-1/1)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 12/19-12/25)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 12/11-12/18)
- My Top 10 Sales of the Week! (Week of 12/4-12/10)
- My Top 10 Most Expensive Sales on Poshmark
- 10 Pros Vs. Cons to Being a Multi-Platform Seller
- How to Find Stability Selling on More Than One Platform
Week of 1/30-2/5
Sales Number 10-6
- Item: Vintage UCS Amblin 1988 Land Before Time Hand Puppets Complete Set Of 6
- How was it Sold: Offer Received
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/4
- Sold Price: $54.26
- Item: Vintage Lord & Taylor Womens Black Leather Clutch Handbag Purse
- How was it Sold: Purchased at Full Price
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/1
- Sold Price: $49.99
- Item: Vintage Landscape Original Wood Framed Signed Oil Paintings Set Of 2 & Vintage Scarf (BUNDLE)
- How was it Sold: Offer Received
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/3
- Sold Price: $48.00
- Item: Vintage Union Made Womens Purple Satin Bridesmaid Prom Party Dress Size 15/16
- How was it Sold: Offer Received
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/4
- Sold Price: $40.00
- Item: Vintage Louis Robert Flowers Embroidery Pansies Frames Lot Of 4 8″x10″
- How was it Sold: Counter Offer Received
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 1/30
- Sold Price: $35.00
Sales Number 5-1
- Item: Velour Track Suit Set Jacket Pants Womens Red Soft Vintage New York Laundry Lg
- How was it Sold: Offer Sent
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/3
- Sold Price: $29.99
- Item: Harley Davidson Mens Blue Cotton Genuine Motor Clothes Straight Jeans Size 36×30
- How was it Sold: Offer Sent
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/4
- Sold Price: $29.99
- Item: Vintage White Blue Back Zip Square Neck Handmade Prairie Cottagecore Maxi Dress
- How was it Sold: Offer Sent
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 1/30
- Sold Price: $29.99
- Item: Greenie APG California Mens Multicolor Crew Neck Pullover Sweatshirt One Size
- How was it Sold: Offer Sent
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/4
- Sold Price: $29.99
- Item: Vintage Heelys Girls Black Propel 2.0 770291 Lace Up Skate Shoe Womens 5 Youth 4
- How was it Sold: Purchased at Full Price
- Platform: eBay
- Date Sold: 2/4
- Sold Price: $27.64
So, as you can see from the list above, most of my great sales of the week (for this week) hovered around the $30-$50 mark. Ebay killed it this past week! (This seems to be where my average higher profit items fall between). However, I usually make many more sales that are less than that, (which was definitely the case with Poshmark this week…again).
These small, but regular sales, is what helps keep my stores afloat, and I really love having a variety of price points available for all kinds of different buyers across the platforms.
I also run an ongoing sale on Poshmark, 5/$25, which allows customers to add any items $15 and under (from any category) to a bundle for a total of $25 + shipping. This keeps my lower priced items flowing, and allows for bundle making opportunities!
*The past few weeks, I’ve been lowering a lot of my items on Poshmark to the lowest available $3.00 limit. This is being done to move out stale inventory. A lot of times these are still great items! Keep in mind that everything sells differently for different sellers. But perhaps they just haven’t had the right buyer come along. By lowering the prices to get things moving, you can free up that space in your inventory storage for new and better items. We are always learning, so we can only get better!
Many times, I make sales by sending out offers. I do this on every platform whenever possible. I truly believe that without this option being available, I would be making much less sales per day. Because of this, I highly recommend you send offers when you can! (And make sure your counter offers option is turned on!)
Be proactive and treat every chance to make an offer as a potential sale. Everyone loves a good deal!
Stay Active!
Now and then, I will make a larger sale, such as a Gucci purse that I sold a few weeks prior. I have a few higher end, higher priced items available, but these do not sell nearly as often as the more affordable items. (I prefer if possible, to sell my luxury items on Poshmark, since they have a free authentication service for anything over $500, this is a nice tip to keep in mind).
That is why I like to keep a plethora of different kinds of items, targeted at different kinds of customers, so that I am consistently making sales at all different sorts of price points.
eBay has really been pulling through for me lately, but I’ve been “feeding the beast” and listing like crazy, so this makes sense and I am over the moon to see that it has been working out. eBay has definitely been my top selling platform as of late…sorry Posh.
Depop, Etsy, Mercari on the other hand, have been up and down, but when you don’t put as much effort into a platform, it definitely shows. Kidizen…where have you been my friend? Just remember that the more active you stay and the more listings you consistently put up, the more sales you have the potential to make. Let’s make all the monies!
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Be sure to Subscribe to be notified of any new articles to come!
Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Pop over to Our Blog Posts Page to view all of Rooted in Reselling posts!
Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts:
My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best Ebay Selling Tips!
Join the Rooted Drawers Family!

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