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fitness, strengthening, exercise

How to Stay Healthy and In Shape While Working from Home

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Stay Committed to Staying Healthy!

When dreaming about having the opportunity to work from home, I’m pretty sure I had the same thoughts that most people in my shoes did. “Oh my gosh! I am going to have SO much time to dedicate to ME! I’m going to FINALLY have that extra time that I’ve always needed to be able to fit in all of my self-care routines, fitness routines, walking my dog regularly, and staying my healthiest. Well, I was wrong.

At first, it seemed like everything was just going to flow smoothly like no big deal. I was going to get my work done and stay fit, while also having the luxury to be able to cook healthy meals from home and do all the things! I mean, how hard could it be, right?

Becoming a Quick Learner

Knowing that so many moms, dads, and full-time employees with side hustles, do this on a regular basis, I thought I had this in the bag. I didn’t yet have children…and I wanted to make this my full-time career, (not just a side hustle).

I quickly learned however, that keeping up with multiple platforms to resell online, plus throwing a blog into the mix, that I’d really better step up my game.

Taking the leap into becoming full-time, was a decision I’d made not only thinking of my future, (getting to stay home with future babies and not needing to splurge on childcare). But, also a decision that would benefit me in the way of living my own life.

I wanted to become my best and healthiest self, and I wanted it to stay that way.

Transitioning to Full-Time, Me-Time

When I jumped on the reselling train, and began my own business, I thought I would get all of my goals accomplished, like now. Nope. Not even close. I realized really quickly that all of these little side hustles would take an awful lot of hard, dedicated, time-consuming work. Like, everyday. You’re probably like, “Duh, Shelby!” But truthfully, it’s a lot that I didn’t think about at first.

Today, I am in love with the idea of getting to work from the comfort of my own home. I get to spend the most time ever with my furbabies! Bonus! While slowly figuring out the ways that work best for me to fit “me time” in.

It can get a little challenging at times, knowing that all of that “me time” could be dedicated to more dollars. I think of it this way, in a sense, and that makes it harder to focus on myself, rather than pumping out more work.

Getting Fit and Having Fun!

Since adopting this work from home mentality, it’s been a little bit of an uphill battle. Some days I get an unworldly amount of work done, and other days I feel like a frumpy blob scrolling through Netflix all day. But hey, we’ve all been there.

I’ve figured out that what it is that needed changing, was my mentality on the getting healthy subject, and how I could perceive my day differently.

Over the past many months, the hubs and I have dabbled in Muy Thai Boxing classes, for starters. We’ve become avid gym goers, learned a substantial amount about our bodies, and the best ways to build them to be the strongest. We even got started with rock climbing! Yes, me, the girl afraid of heights. (Trying to conquer some fears over here, don’t mind me!) And we fully intend to explore the world of Brazilian Ju Jitsu later this year. I am SO excited.

Gym Time + Unwind Time = A Must

I noticed after a little while, that even though I thought I’d been doing the right thing by staying active and moving, I quickly became mentally exhausted. This led me to doing some research and seeing what I could do to help my situation.

I didn’t want to sleep more, even though I was technically “sleepy.” I just wanted to feel more energized and alert. (Without having to drink like, 4 cups of coffee per say.) So totally on the tea train anyways.

Just recently, this led me to thinking that perhaps I should try out an app I’ve heard of in the past, called Headspace. At first, I thought it to be a little weird, mostly because I wasn’t one to think I needed meditating. Headspace is all about learning how to meditate, and strengthening your mind.

I have been using this easy to use app daily now for quite some time. I’ve really been enjoying how it forces me to slow down, and take some deep breaths, by meditating for just a few minutes a day. Get 14 days of Headspace Plus for FREE by signing up through this link!

The Transition to Eating Real Food

This one took some time for me. I am one of those people that LOVES food, cooking, baking, you name it. The problem is that, unfortunately, a lot of the population is misinformed on what is “good eating,” and “bad eating.” I am clearly no nutritionist or personal trainer, but speaking solely from experience, I can definitely say that I’ve learned, A LOT.

I thoroughly enjoy reading about what is best to feed your energy, and give you the feel goods, without the burn-outs and the crashes.

So what I’ve learned thus far, is mostly trying to focus on whole foods, and sticking to foods in their most natural states. I learn a little more everyday, but I try my best to cook from scratch as often as possible. Whether it be for dressings, marinades, waffles, baked goods, pizza dough and bread, you name it!

Since we do have a sizable garden, I am always sure to include as many fresh herbs as possible, so that I can use these for flavor. I like to use these instead of having to rely on added substitutes, which you find in processed, or frozen items.

Making the Time to Make it Happen

The struggle is real for me here. Working from home is something that takes diligent effort into getting all things accomplished everyday. It’s so easy when you can just stroll into the gym on the way home from a day at the office. Then pop over to grab those groceries next door when you’re finished.

However, I’m also trying to be more frugal in my spending, and want to pinch pennies where I can. So I try to grocery shop on mornings during the weekdays, I get up at 4:45…yes, thank you husband. (It took me a while, like years…to become an early bird!) But now, I love it.

I like to go as soon as the sun comes up because I can get to the stores right when they open, and there is less of a crowd as well. This gets it out of my hair for the day, and gives me ample time to read ingredient labels, and follow my list without making hasty decisions that I’ll later regret.

As for the gym, we went at night for awhile, then decided, “Hey! Why not get up even earlier!” I was not fond of this idea at first. But! After a week or so of going to workout in the morning instead, it was way easier, and I didn’t have to think about going all day long then.

This also made it easier to make time for a healthy breakfast, or a smoothie, which we’ve turned to as of late. It’s full of fruit and veggie goodness, easy and quick, and can fill you up as well. I have a Ninja blender, and boy has life been easier on me since getting one. Those suckers work wonders.

My Usual Routine (Or What I Strive For)

On most days, I like to try and get up about 10 minutes past when my husband does. He’s always lunging out of bed like a spring chicken, and that just ain’t how I roll, okay. I need that extra time to collect myself, stretch, tell myself I’m totally taking a nap when he leaves, (which never happens), and then I struggle to plop my feet on the floor. (If we don’t go to the gym) I’ll start making our smoothies, then his lunch. Sometimes I even make mine if time allows. This way, I don’t have to eat snacks in a rush later when I’m in the middle of working and don’t feel like putting anything together.

When he leaves for work around 6 am, give or take, I’ll usually try to get active and do some cleaning. After that, I make sure to remember to wash my face, do my stretches to keep my body in check, and leave time to meditate for at least 10 minutes. I like to normally go for a 3-4 mile walk after this, depending on the weather, while listening to an audio book.

You can find so many great choices by downloading Audible. It was one of the best decisions we’ve made to pass time, instead of hearing the radio drone on. That takes me an hour on average. For awhile, I didn’t like to engage in any of these activities, because I felt as though I was wasting valuable work time.

However, since adding them to my daily routine, I feel so much better overall. Taking this little bit of time out of your day is a must when you work from home. When you don’t put self-care first, it can really throw a lot of things off.

My Latest Gadgets

A couple of weeks ago, I did some googling on the best tools to help with staying healthy, while possibly losing a few pounds in the meantime, cause let’s face it, aging sucks! And even though I feel like I live my healthiest life, I thought there had to be a couple more things that I could add to increase my benefits. I was right!

I decided to make a small investment into purchasing a Wellness, or, Food & Fitness journal, and a nice little glass kettle to infuse my fresh teas. Also, a sunrise alarm clock. A what, you ask?

A sunrise alarm clock…sounds weird, I know. But these little guys have been proven to help you sleep better, by regulating your body back to it’s natural circadian rhythm. You can even join certain models to your phone and wifi! There are several different sounds to fall asleep to, and wake up to, as well. All while its sunrise mimicking light can be adjusted to gradually lightening, or darkening your room. This makes it so much easier for me personally, because I HATE being jolted awake by an alarm clock.

This wellness journal was just what I needed. It’s motivational! It gives you inspirational quotes to live by, and helps to track your daily activities, fitness routines, and food log. This has become my main tool to becoming and staying healthy.

I also converted this affordable large dry-erase board I had, into a board of my personal mantras, and boxes to help me check off each pound as I shed them. Which is super motivating! Who doesn’t like checking things off?!

Becoming “Mentally Tough”

Something that I’ve been wanting for so long, is a cute tea kettle. I just kept putting it off because hello, microwaves. Having this kettle, makes it easier to drink more than just one cup. It can be moved around with me while staying hot, and holding several cups instead of just one. My favorites are fresh spearmint, green tea, and occasionally English Breakfast. Check out this giant bulk bag of Chamomile tea that I stumbled upon! That was a big savings for sure.

Lastly, I’ve become adjusted to the fact that, sometimes we all need a little help along the way. At first, I was like heck to the no, I’m going at this on my own! Willpower, where art thou?! But seriously, I thought I could stay fit and healthy, without any of these nifty gadgets or ideas for the longest time. However, for some of us its just not that simple to be “mentally tough.” It takes practice, and determination.

This is why I recommend joining the widely known and one of the most popular apps today, Noom. It has gone quite nicely with the other items I’ve been using, and it is really making a difference for me.

It’s motivational, keeps you on your toes, and planning ahead. This is something I believe anyone on their journey can benefit from! Use my special link for 20% off when you sign up!


Thank you so much as always for your time and patience while you read through my blog. I’ve been really enjoying writing for my blog and hope that it truly does make at least a small difference in your life. Taking baby steps and accepting little wins throughout your journey (of any kind!) will keep you pushing forward.

Just remember that working from home is super sweet! But also remember that you have to include time for yourself, to stay healthy, and squeeze in those not so fun things now and then. Doing so will make for a much easier way of life, and a healthier one too! Just remember, you got this.


     If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!

     We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.

     Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.

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