Rooted in Reselling

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Rising reselling expenses faceplant

How To Mentally Deal With The Rising Costs Of Reselling

We all have those days that just don’t seem to go as planned. You wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, only to get kicked left and right with each new step of the day. We move through things like this most likely with irritation at first and then realize that sometimes they’re just little blessings in disguise, teaching us new twists and turns on how to amp up our current lifestyle. This week, my laptop screen went black in the middle of listing, my car broke down on the way to delivering the hubs donuts (#wifelife), a nice policeman greeted me whilst awaiting my ride, all the while with grief still hitting me here and there over the loss of a loved one. And P.S., my may-be-pika-dog is still reluctant to let go of his eating rocks habit. It’s a whole thing. So I write to you all today to discuss these unexpected ways of life including the rising costs of reselling, how your health goes on rollercoasters along with you, and what you can do to handle it in the best way possible.  Let’s get after it!

Photo by cottonbro studio:

Reselling expenses on the Rise

They come in like a lion, and then they keep roaring. When you run a business of your own, it feels like pretty much every day something or someone needs to be paid. I get it, it’s part of the gig of being a “boss babe.” And I like that part because I value my free time (what I can salvage) and I value being a part of creating something beautiful with a team that supports that dream.

However, that comes with situations that you don’t see coming. As in, that random laptop breaking at the most inopportune time. (Guess who didn’t get to list for a few days…) ALL THE MORE REASON TO HAVE YOURSELF A BACKLOG, PEEPS!

We’re all only human, and we get behind, we make mistakes, and we grow with them and learn to move through them. Life is all about moving through things and not against them.

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

How we handle these business woes and rising expenses is a great predictor of how much we can adapt and overcome. So let’s talk more about what I suggest to leap over these barriers that get us down sometimes.

Start a reselling business today

Keep Your Reselling Business Booming

When things go awry, don’t dwell on it. Try to keep your chin up and look at the positives. Cliche, I know, but as someone reminded me recently, this really does help improve your mood. Especially when you hear it from your inner circle. So give your loved ones pep talks even when you think they don’t need it! They may need it more than you know.

You started somewhere, didn’t you? If your laptop breaks, you still have your phone…most likely. Unless you had some freak technical end-of-the-world event that rendered you Wifi-less. Use your phone to list! Continue to put in the work so your store doesn’t take a hit even though you are. eBay doesn’t shut down and your customers don’t stop shopping just because you had a day from you know where. So, keep getting after it and continue to keep building that empire like the badass businesswoman (or man) that you are!

If you are trying to be a good person and your vehicle says “Nope, not today!” simply shake that shiznit off and be grateful you’re in that position instead of another. You’ve gotten this far because you know that you can get things done, so continue to carry on with your get-things-done mode! Just a bump in the road and it’s one you’ll likely forget about in a few weeks, anyhow.

The rising cost of reselling rooted drawers

Continue to Think (and Plan) Ahead!

Always, always, ALWAYS look to the future. Don’t live in it, of course, then you can’t enjoy the present. (Unless you’re a time traveler and then you can have both…#goals).

Protect yourself and your store from rising costs of reselling by having a backlog ready to list at any time. Better yet, schedule those bad boys out a week or a month if you’re feeling frisky and get yourself ready to take down time when you need it from grief or things just going out of tune one day.

Doing so will ensure you won’t need to worry about work or even think about the fact that if you don’t work your store is going to unwind. You’ll already have one or ten steps ahead, so you can thank the past you for being a great planner.

Something I’ve found that helps me a lot these days is using less mental space. Brain space is a real thing, and it can take a bigger toll on you than you think. Don’t waste it with all that useless info regarding appointments, upcoming dates, to-do’s, and your work schedule. Write it down! And in the meantime, make sure you’re blocking off each individual section with actual things that need doing. This INCLUDES self-care and creating delicious and healthy meals to fuel your body.

You can do this!

Each day looks completely different for me at this time. I’ve had a lot of unexpected things go on in life so far this year, and overcoming them all is something I’m working through just like the rest of you. We can do this together! Drop a comment about what you’re struggling with most right now, and how you plan to move through it. Let’s mesh our thoughts and come out with stronger businesses and mindsets as one solid reseller team!

If you’re interested in meshing more than just thoughts in the comments, feel free to schedule a 30 minute, no charge consult to find out new ways to up your game in the reselling world. Through our Coaching Program, we’ll help you to determine what works best for your business and will stand beside you on the road to success instead of throwing you to the wolves.


P.S. If your dog is still eating rocks, well, then he probably has his own issues and you should probably get him a Chia Pet.

Photo by Alexandra Novitskaya:

Thank You!

A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey including today’s how to mentally deal with the rising costs of reselling blog! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts and hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.

Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!

I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.

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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts on Your Way:

Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!

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Happy selling friends!



I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.