8 Minute Read
Managing Mind & Body Work Overload
Being a full-time work-from-home anything, can have its tough days every so often. That’s why we all need to take breaks sometimes. So save a day, or at least a part of a day of the week for sustaining your mental and physical health.
Having multiple close family members affected by these diseases in particular, I have decided to write a little about how to keep ourselves healthy and at our best. So, in light of both Alzheimer’s Disease and American Diabetes Awareness Month, (November), I wanted to touch on a little of our health while working from home. Since we are in fact, working from home, more and more these days, it is extremely hard for most of us resellers not to want to work all the time.
Doing so can obviously, and most usually result in more sales, which means more income, which leads to more financial freedom. And who doesn’t want to achieve that FIRE standard? (Financial Independence Retire Early).
However, a lot of times we forget that to do our best and achieve goals with our highest success rates, requires some serious mental and physical work. By taking the little bit of extra time to take care of these things, we can achieve our goals faster. But also better, and with more accuracy.
Get Cozy.
This morning, I woke up and saw the first snow of the year laying on the ground. Boy, was I excited. I LOVE snow. (Except for driving in it of course, who does?) My husband thinks I’m weird. But just the white fluffiness all around, falling so pretty and lightly from the sky. It’s beautiful. This is just one of the 22 Reasons I Became a Reseller.
Seeing this, made me even more grateful this year that I will not have to commute to work today, (or any day), and so I decided to make a fire, a cup of tea, and get to work on this post. My desk in situated near a bay window in our living room, across from the fireplace, where I can occasionally see birds at the feeder or outdoor cats chasing chipmunks.
This is the first thing I highly recommend while working from home. Find yourself a fun, cozy corner of your house that has a nice view, but isn’t too distracting. On days like this, you’ll be glad you did.
I pull this tidbit somewhat from an audible book I listened to over the summer, by Laura Vanderkam. I have listened to many of her books this year, and this in particular stuck out to me. She had a valid point. When you are comfortable and content in your workplace, you are much more likely to get a lot more accomplished. Check her out here!
“The National Institutes of Health conducted a breakthrough study to show that diet and exercise can delay diabetes. The clinical trial proved that a half hour of walking or other low-intensity exercise daily, combined with a low-fat diet, reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent.” (Sourced from www.johnmuirhealth.com).
Get Moving.
Be sure you are always fitting in at least some form of exercise. This could be jumping jacks between calls, or a quick set of push-ups while waiting for lunch to cook, you name it. And yes, you should be cooking your meals, if possible.
Cooking at home is exceptionally healthier and goes a lot further dollar for dollar. This is something I strive to do every day that I can. I make as many things as possible from scratch, and this way, I know what’s all going in my body for the fuel it needs to keep working properly.
Since I’ve been working from home, we’ve installed two new items on our walls. Number one, would be a simple pull-up bar, and then also, a hang board. You obviously know what you can do on a pull-up bar, and that alone can work so many muscles. A hang board, is something we purchased after getting into rock climbing last year. “Hangboarding is a great workout to strengthen your fingers, hands, upper body, and core.” Sourced from (www.openfit.com).
These only take literally seconds out of my day to jump on here and there when I’m walking through those rooms, and it always gives me a nice little burst of productive energy when I’m feeling blah.
I also like to walk as far as I can either on the treadmill or around my neighborhood while I’m sharing my Poshmark closet. If I still feel like walking when I’m finished with that, I switch over to editing or answering emails. It’s a good way to stay active while also being productive in my business.
Get Learning.
Keep your mind healthy! This is so important in so many ways. Doing so will keep you more alert and on top of your to-do list.
“A number of studies indicate that maintaining strong social connections and keeping mentally active as we age might lower the risk of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.” (Sourced from www.alz.org).
Therefore, we need to stay in touch with relatives and friends even when we are quarantined, or working from home 7 days a week. Try out Zoom or something similar to easily keep in touch and to keep your social life alive and well.
There are many different games and apps on your mobile device that can help as well to prevent cognitive decline. However, simply taking up a new skill or learning a new instrument, language, etc. can boost those brain waves as well! So find what hobby you’ve been wanting to take a spin at, and get on it!
Get it Done.
If you have tasks to complete, finish them fully. (And the first time around). No one ever likes doing chores around the house, (yes, I am 29 years old and still refer to them as chores, because that’s what they are)! Anyways, I say the first time around, because I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I pick at piles here and there and figure I’ll eventually get back to finishing them. Guess what? That never happens.
So, if you finish them fully, the first time, it will be done and over with. Out of your mind, and decluttered from sight. A YouTuber I like to watch, “The Sunday Stylist,” is where I learned this tip from. Check her channel out, here!
If you start a task, be sure to finish it the whole way. Don’t just fold half of your clothes from the dryer, the rest will surely sit there until you end up needing them. Just finish it the first time, and it will be done. The extra few minutes you take then, will save you loads of time later when you go looking for that item still sitting in the dryer.
In all reality, if you follow the “One Touch Rule,” as I read in a book somewhere in the past, things easily get done the first time. Instead of moving the coat you take off from the chair, to the couch, to the floor, and finally to the closet (where it belongs), you could have finished a lot of other tasks by then. By following the One Touch Rule, you only have to touch the coat once, when it goes into the closet and is put away.
Get Cozy! – Be sure to have a pleasant and comfy environment for working in. You’ll be more productive and happy to get working on your projects.
Get Moving! – Stay as active as possible throughout your day, to keep your body healthy and in tip top shape. (You could even invest in a standing desk which a lot of folks are doing nowadays. Check this simple and affordable one out right here.)
Get Learning! – Keep your mind healthy and prevent Alzheimer’s by learning a new skill, or trying out a new app!
Get it Done! – Finish every task to the fullest. Don’t skimp on chores and things that need done in your business. You’ll be happy when they are finished and you don’t have them bouncing around in the back of your mind.
When you’re finished with this article, be sure to hop over to read another article all about How I Stay Healthy & in Shape While Working from Home, and find a few cool little gadgets that may help you out, too!
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
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Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
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Ebay Store! Click Here To Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and read this when you’re finished for My Best Ebay Selling Tips!

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