6 Minute Read
What’s a Virtual Assistant do Anyways?
Hello there all of my virtual peeps and peepettes! Today is the day, this is what you’ve all been waiting for! Okay, well maybe it’s not that exciting. Either way, I’d like to discuss more in depth in this post just how I stumbled upon the most perfect VA (virtual assistant) company. And also why I highly recommend using a company over an individual contractor. Let’s get into it!
So, you ask, what’s a VA? A “VA” is simply a “virtual assistant.” An assistant that is virtual, if you will. You will assign this person tasks and delegate things on your to do list that you deem as time wasters for your own busy day, and they will complete them for you for a fee. Given that we resellers do sell things online, this is both magical but also a little sketchy at first. I mean, after all, you do have to trust a complete stranger with your login info to bop around the store that you’ve built up for months (or maybe even years). Yikes.
Sounds a bit much at first, and you’re probably all like, “Eh, I’ll just keep on keeping on and hammering these listings out myself, thank you!” But seriously, you can only get so far, and you’re going to also keep on keeping on giving yourself a bunch more unnecessary headaches.
Why a Company?
Well, to start, a company has morals, values, goals to reach, and bosses. This is in most instances, of course. Not to say that every single individual contractor is out to get you, (they’re not). And they are probably useful for a lot of things actually, (read about my several VA’s in my next post!). But, when it comes to needing a full-time, on-going, regular lister/sharer etc., you’re probably going to want to invest in a company instead.
Why did I choose a company you may still be wondering, and which one did I choose? I’ll get into that, don’t worry! I’ve delegated simple tasks to individuals throughout my blogging/reselling career so far, but when I decided that I was going to need help in the listing department, I also decided that I needed to think a little bigger.
I have been following and looking up to Chris at “Daily Refinement” on YouTube, (find him here), for most of my reselling career. A few of his videos mentions using a VA service, but I’d never really paid much attention to it in the past. Now that I was in need of one, I’d remembered him talking about this. I simply looked back into his videos to find the one I’d be searching for, and decided to give it a try.
Which VA Service Did I Decide On?
A service that he had recommended was “Hammoq.” You can check out their services through this link. (Use my referral code deeprooted2020 to help support the blog!) This was a VA service created by resellers, for resellers, and I would also now highly recommend them! I have been using their service for a little while now, and it has been a huge help. I don’t even think “huge” is a big enough word for the freed up time that I now have, thanks to them.
Personally, I use their service primarily for listing on eBay, but they have many other options that you are able to choose from. However, I’m sure most of you know, if you sell on eBay, that it is a much bigger pain than other smaller platforms.
eBay can be tricky sometimes, and has a lot more options and boxes to check. This is really good to fully fill out, for seo (search engine optimization), and to get your items in front of more of the people searching for them. However, it can be excruciatingly time consuming. Time is now something that I need help with, due to wanting to ramp up my store and add more listings per day.
As you may know, more listings, equals more sales. (Most often). But as I stated in my last post, I am beginning to plateau in sales, because I have reached my maximum listing capacity going at it solo. This is different for everyone of course.
Maybe you can list 30 per day, and Susie over there can only get 10 completed. Each situation is most definitely fine! There is no “right” number. But depending on if you are a multi-platform seller, or if you have more than just reselling to take care of on a daily basis, it may be time for you, too, to get some help in this department.
10 Pros Vs. Cons to Being a Multi-Platform Seller
How to Find Stability Selling on More Than One Platform
They Work With You, While Working For You
If you’ve read my previous post, No Social, No Problem, you know that I strive to stay away from using social media as much as possible in my business. This is purely my own preference, and not something you, too, need to do.
Because of this value I hold, I did not want to download the WhatsApp app, that Hammoq usually uses for me to communicate with my VA. They were kind enough to realize this value, and gave me the option to contact them via email and text.
I truly appreciated this option, as I did not think I would be able to use their service if otherwise. They gave me the opportunity to work around this barrier, and because of that, I am now working with them happily and comfortably.
VA Service for Poshmark Sharing
Now, I know that this heading in itself can be controversial. And I only want to bring it up because for Poshmark sellers, I think it’s the elephant in the room. Sharing is definitely the most tedious, annoying, time sucker out there. However, bots and automation are against Poshmark’s Community Guidelines. Here is what they say specifically: “Do not use programs or other forms of automation to participate on Poshmark. This includes, but is not limited to liking, sharing, following, and unfollowing.”
Automation is of course tempting because it gets the job done way faster and can free up a lot of time. However, it is not allowed, and your closet can and may be banned because of it. To me, that’s just not worth the risk. Poshmark was my first reselling platform, and I love it very much. I would be devastated if I’d lose it all because of something so silly.
However, human shares ARE allowed, and these fingers can only do so much in a day! So, I have since decided to outsource my sharing as well, but to a HUMAN being on Fiverr.
(This awesome human being by the way is named Christine! And she would very much love to work with you as well! I highly recommend her service as she is affordable, super hard working and even provides you with a Google sheet to reference your sales. You can find her at “christineannt” on Fiverr, or on her website at “christinezcloset.com.” Make sure to mention that you’re coming from my blog, and we will both receive $5 off our next service! Thank you for your continued support, go check her out and give your fingers a break from sharing!)
You can search on Fiverr, or even Upwork, for closet sharers, which could be based in the U.S., or overseas. This is up to you to decide. Obviously this will cost a little more to outsource than using a bot service, because you’re paying for someone’s time. But, I think when you find the right person, it will be more than worth it to have your time, and your life back.
Related: How to Decide if You’re Ready to Start Outsourcing
Recap: What’s a VA? A virtual assistant is someone you hire out to help virtually in your business. You provide them with tasks, login credentials, and wa-lah, you’re in business.
Why should you choose a company (most times)? A company can provide you most often, with background checks, safety nets in case of things going wrong, and guarantees that your account won’t be hacked, and that your login credentials will stay safe.
Which VA company do I recommend? I love using Hammoq, and can’t wait to grow a long and prosperous business relationship with them. They have helped out so much so far, and I have infinite more time available to source, photograph, and write more these days.
Why do I use a VA for Poshmark? I ONLY recommend finding yourself a HUMAN VA for your sharing needs. This is done easily on apps such as Upwork or Fiverr.
The time you free up from these options, will leave you wondering why you didn’t do so earlier! I know I did. However, keep in mind that this IS an investment in your business, but by doing so, you will be able to contribute more time to departments that really need your full focus. You can do great things with your time if you are mindful on how you use it.
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Be sure to Subscribe to be notified of any new articles to come!
Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Pop over to Our Blog Posts Page to view all of Rooted in Reselling posts!
Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts:
My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best Ebay Selling Tips!
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