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How to Find Stability Selling on More Than One Platform

Finding Your Own Version of Stability

6 Minute Read
“As an affiliate, I may receive a small commission for purchases made through links in this post. I only recommend services that I truly believe in and hope that they provide you with the same help that I have found in using them. Thank you for your support!”

We can all get a little overwhelmed sometimes, and I am definitely in that category some days. I currently resell on SIX platforms, phew! (With just recently adding Etsy into the mix last week). Wish me luck! By finding your stability, you will also find that you will produce your best work yet.

In this post, I will cover 5 basic steps to managing all of those with ease and efficiency. It’s easy to get overworked and stressed, but it’s not necessary if you put a good plan into place.

Let’s get started!

Stay Focused.

cat keyboard laptop
My lazy furball Bandit taking a snooze in my workspace. *Eye roll*

Stay alert and focused on what you’re doing, when you’re doing it. It’s easy to get distracted, especially when you’re working from home full-time. There are dogs, cats on your keyboard, spouses, roommates and kids. Don’t let these distractions get in front of you.

(Check out this recent post on How to Balance Work Life & Home Life…While Working From Home).

Work is work and when you are working, make sure to let those people know that what you’re doing is important so that you can keep providing for yourself or for your family. They’ll understand more often than you think.

Be Patient.

Working from home most certainly takes a LOT of patience. I’ve learned this the hard way over the last year since I’ve converted. It’s tough to get into something on your own when you’re not sure on how to get started.

If you’re getting puzzled and are unsure of how to do something, or need to learn a new skill, check out Skill Share (and get 2 FREE months when clicking on this link) to broaden your knowledge and learn some new tricks to your trade! Stay on top of your learning, and you’ll stay at the top of your game.

Patience, however is a hard-learned skill and we all could use a little more of it. Don’t get frustrated if you’re having troubles with something. Just take a breather, have a cup of tea perhaps, (this is what I find relaxing), and try again in a few minutes. You’ll get it!tea

Try Single Tasking.

Single tasking, as in, the opposite of multi-tasking! Many times we find ourselves stretching to the depths of each end of the earth trying to get umpteen things done at once. This isn’t always the best approach.

Usually, this may account for mistakes, or forgetting something deemed important. If we don’t stay focused, as mentioned earlier, we can get easily distracted and burn precious minutes or hours at a time fixing or redoing something over again. And that is a huge time waster.

(I highly suggest listening to the audiobook on Audible, “168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think,” by Laura Vanderkam. It is truly eye-opening how much time we waste on a regular basis, by simply losing focus.)

When we “single-task,” we can put all 100% of our focus into just one thing at a time, doing our best work. And usually, that best work is done quicker with your sole focus, leaving you extra time to move onto your next item of business. Win, win.

Know Your Limits.

I believe this has been mentioned in a previous post, although it stands true. You have to know how much you can take on, especially if you’ve only just begun working from home. It’s something that takes practice, just like anything else.

If you are unable to finish a task, or getting stuck on something that puzzles you, take a step back. It’s always best when you’re at full brain capacity, instead of scratching your head trying to get that last bit of work done just mediocre.success

Set a Timer, or Two.

This has been something to be extremely helpful for me. Setting one or multiple timers around you can keep your focus laser sharp when you’re working on something and have that time ticking down.

Think about it, when your boss gives you a deadline, most of us will wait until nearly the last minute to finish that assigned work. But, you know for a fact that you can bang it out in less than an hour or so.

Having that timer around will remind you that every task is important, but that it also, will eventually come to an end. Tasks will expand to the allotted time that you give them. So, give them a set amount of time, and you will come out on top.

In Summary
  • Stay Focused.
  • Be Patient.
  • Single-Task.
  • Know Your Limits.
  • Try Setting Timers.

We could all use a little slowing down here and there, and that’s simply the only way to find that stability at times. The world moves at an accelerated pace, but to do your best work, you just need to learn how to move at the pace that works best for you.

Try these few steps and see if they help you out any! Let me know in the comment section if you have implemented any into your daily activities or even household chores. I guarantee you’ll find at least some success. I’d love to hear about any that you find helpful that may not be on the list!

Keeping stability and balance in your work and home (home being both at this point in time), will keep your mind healthy and fresh. Be sure to stop by this post to see How I (do my best) to Stay Healthy and Fit While Working from Home.

Thank You!

giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.

Be sure to Subscribe to be notified of any new articles to come!

Happy selling friends!


     If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!

     We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.

Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.

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Poshmark Store (Linked Above in “Rooted Drawers”)

Be Sure To Check Out My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!

Ebay Store! Click Here To Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and read this when you’re finished for My Best Ebay Selling Tips!





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I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.