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How to Deal with Negative Reviews as a Reseller

Well guys, here’s a not so fun topic to talk about as a reseller. Sure, it’s not pleasant, but it’s also the truth. And let’s face it, the truth hurts sometimes. A lot of times as resellers we’re going to get not so fun comments and questions to answer, and here and there, we may even receive the dreaded negative review. Sad? Yes. Reality? Also yes. Let’s dive in to what to do in these situations and how to handle reseller negative reviews in the best ways possible.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

So, You Got Your First Reseller Negative Review.

Firstly, boo to that! It’s a bummer, I know. I’ve been there as well, and it doesn’t leave you in the most pleasant of moods. However, these are the situations that set you up for a better day ahead, knowing more about how you can improve and do a better job as a business owner. It’s not easy running any sort of business, but it’s even more difficult when you do so online, for the whole world to see.

A lot of times you may disagree with the review, or even get annoyed with it. That’s normal, we’re only human. The real difference is how you go about dealing with it. Whether it’s a positive or negative one, you should always do your best to address the situation and take constructive criticism from it, as opposed to complaining or disagreeing with the person that just spent their hard earned dollars on your products.

When we choose to look at it in a way of positivity, we can usually get a better outcome from the same situation in the future. Knowing how to accept the fact that you may have missed something, shipped late, or sent out the wrong item, happens from time to time. Once again, we’re only human.

Photo by Tiger Lily from Pexels, reviews

Sure, we can strive for perfection, I do so as well. But unfortunately, the bigger your business gets, the more products you’ll start sending out, and that leaves the door open for several more feedback reseller negative reviews or comments about your business policies or deliveries. Just respond in a kind tone and timely manner, and you’ll be sure to keep customers pleased and thankful that you are understanding and a real person, not some crazy megalomaniac that needs to always be right.

What About Negative Comments?

Yep, you’re bound to get some of those, too. That’s just life. Unfortunately, they might trip us up sometimes. Once again, you just need to make sure that you’re handling this situation in the best way possible, and by doing so, you can often create a better experience for the customer in the long run.

If someone has a negative comment about an item, or perhaps a policy of mine, I like to simply explain why I’ve come to these conclusions and why I’ve put them in place. Explaining the reasoning behind a policy or the way a product is presented, can often soften the blow of the negativity. I also prefer to offer something in return, perhaps a coupon code for a future purchase, if they so wish to return and try my store out again. Or, maybe a free gift that I will send separately to them instead.

Kindness goes a long way, especially in business. And doing so genuinely goes a lot further than when you’re just doing so for the ‘gram. Be optimistic and respectful of your buyers. After all, they’re how your business is running in the first place.

Photo by Charlotte May from Pexels

What Can You Do to Avoid These Reviews and Comments?

There’s a handful of ways to avoid having negative reviews or comments left about your store.

  1. Treat all customers with kindness and respect
  2. Avoid arguing if you disagree with their remarks
  3. Complete all shipments in a timely manner
  4. Thank your buyers for shopping with you
  5. Offer a free gift with your packages
  6. Offer a discount on future purchases
  7. Be personable and interact with customers

Overall, just be kind and be yourself. Buyers will return and remain loyal to your store if they value your genuine self, and can see that it comes across in your store as well. Provide incentives to return and make sure to always include some kind of Thank You. This doesn’t need to be big or flashy, just a simple post it will do if you have nothing else. It shows that you’re grateful for their business, and thankful because you’re in business in the first place because of their support.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Thank You for reading today’s post “How to deal with reseller negative reviews”!

A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey including today’s post about how to deal with reseller negative reviews! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.

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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts on Your Way:

Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!

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