7 Minute Read
Don’t Give Up!
Yep, I said it. Giving up has been on the mind! Seriously though, the last few weeks have been rough. Between getting taxes together, processing more inventory than ever before, and sourcing more than ever before as well, has really taken it’s toll on me. Yesterday as I was catching up on my sales charts, I was on the verge of tears. I’ll explain why.
Since becoming a full time reseller, it’s been a bumpy road to say the least. It’s definitely not all butterflies and kittens and roses like you see on some YouTubers channels. (Which of course I’m sure we all thought when starting out!) Not fair!
Related: How to Find Stability Selling on More Than One Platform
But then again, sometimes life just likes to kick you while your down, and it freaking sucks! There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It’s been an interesting month at home as well. You know, one of those weeks that drag out into months where everything in the entire world keeps breaking or needing replaced. Yeah, those ones!
So, back to yesterday. I’m sitting in my office chair, hammering out these sales charts, and they seem never ending! I’m still catching up from slacking in previous months, and it’s really very frustrating. I highly recommend when starting out, that you keep track of EVERYthing you do from the very start. (Especially if you plan to treat this as a business).
I wanna kick myself for not being on top of things daily, but lately I’ve been pumping out more listings per day…(which of course is great because that equals more sales per day). But, it’s been a little stressful as well since everything else has gone on the backburner, and it’s just starting to get to me. We can’t let this happen. Working from home can be difficult, but it IS doable. You just need to change your mindset and get going.
Turning the Corner
I know it can be hard at times to keep yourself in check and keep up with your daily tasks, but just remember to stay on top of things and you will likely be much less stressed. It’s highly worth it in the long run to do the work upfront. The further things on your to do list get put off, the more stress builds up as well. The more time that goes by, the more you have a chance of forgetting something, or losing a note you may have written down, etc. Just do the work.
Related: Keeping Yourself in Check as a Reseller
So, after I got myself all un frustrated and less feeling bad for myself, I put on some good upbeat music and got the rest of my work done for the day. I set a timer for each task, so that I didn’t get as distracted, and got those things done faster, and more efficiently. At this time, I still had a few hours left to kill, since the hubs had to work overtime. I turned on a good movie, turned off my phone, and took a chill pill.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I feel it’s necessary to mention again because of its importance. Working as a reseller, working from home, or whatever side hustle you’ve got going on in your life, can get to an overwhelming point. This is the point that I was at yesterday. I was so frustrated and overwhelmed at my current situation, that I forgot to just take a day (or a few hours, whichever you may have!), to chill out.
The Importance of Not Sacrificing Your Chill Time
We all have stressful days at work, or while working from home. But we need not forget to take time for ourselves. I talk about this a lot in my most recent post, but I just felt the need to reiterate it (to myself and to you as well), because it’s so easy to overlook.
Maybe your way of chilling out is to go for a short walk, or take a nice bubble bath. Whatever it may be, just do it. If you must, get your work done first and out of the way, so that it is off of your mind. Just remember that it will always be there when you get back to it.
So don’t let Parkinson’s Law take over all of your free time. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. Set timers if it helps, and be efficient, always.
Make sure that you have something to look forward to. Whether this be a massage every month, or a short vacation to the hotel downtown with your bestie or spouse, it can be anything. No matter what it may be, having something to look forward to can be very rewarding, and sometimes the anticipation can be even more exciting than the activity you’re looking forward to!
Related: 22 Reasons Why I Became a Reseller
The Options are Endless!
I know it’s hard these days, but here’s a few suggestions I think can brighten your spirits a little if you’re having troubles finding that chill time.
- Learn how to bake!
- Improve your cooking skills and try out new recipes.
- Take advantage of this extra time at home to learn a new language!
- Finally learn that instrument you’ve been dying to jam out on. (Personally, this is the electric guitar for me! I’d love to conquer the piano after that!)
- Beat the next level in your video game you never have time to play anymore.
- Take your dog for two walks instead of one! Trust me, you’ll be thanking yourself later, and they will be too!
- Make a daily list of things to self-reflect on, or improve on. (This can be really helpful).
- Re-organize your home, bedroom, or closet area…whatever you do, this does NOT include your office space! (Keep that out of your head for this chill period).
- Go on a window shopping spree from the comfort of your couch with your phone or tablet!
- Shop the clearance section with your old gift cards online and score some cozy new bath robes to pretend you’re at some fancy hotel.
- Pet your cat! No seriously, this is on the “Rules of Life” book I’m reading…it’s really a rule!
- Remember to water your plants. Plants are so great to show off in your home, they look beautiful, give off good vibes and help purify the air. Don’t let them wither away!
- Speaking of purifying your air, don’t forget to clean your fans! This can help with respiratory issues and can help you breathe a little better when working. Keeping a consistent cleaning schedule can not only make it less stressful, but can also make your home and “work from home” space more enjoyable to be in.
- Go for a run with your spouse, and don’t forget to make bets, because the loser does the dishes! (Release those endorphins and have a little fun at the same time)!
- Take a nice bubble bath and paint your nails, this is an oldie but goodie.
The point is, just take a little time per week on yourself. I feel like as adults, we forget far too often to enjoy that play time we used to long for as kids. It’s hard to even want to fit it in some days, when you think of all the things that you could be getting done instead.
Try to remove this from your brain for at least 30-60 minutes per day, to get some exercise or play time in. It will keep you feeling lighter, more easy going, and more ready to get back to work when the time comes. But for now, go hop scotch or skip rocks at your nearby lake! Whatever you do, get moving!
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Be sure to Subscribe to be notified of any new articles to come!
Happy selling friends!
If you’re up for sifting through some of my one of a kind finds, please be sure to visit any Platform you prefer below!
We have also created a Merch Store that donates 10% of profits to the National Resources Defense Council. If you are interested in helping out to promote Rooted Drawers Stores, please stop by to contribute! Remaining profits will be put towards our ever-growing business and are always genuinely appreciated.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own! I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Pop over to Our Blog Posts Page to view all of Rooted in Reselling posts!
Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts:
My Top Ten Tips to Getting Started on Poshmark!
Read All About How to Get Started on Ebay, and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best Ebay Selling Tips!
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