Hey friends! Long time, no chat. I wanted to hop on today to talk about where we’ve been and what this year is bringing for Rooted Drawers. As we move through each new month and quarter of every new year of reselling, more knowledge is acquired and more decisions are continuously made. Once in a while things have to take a back burner to life though, and that is what’s been happening recently. Let’s talk my journey from my Poshmark closet to the revelations from vacation mode.
From Poshmark to Purpose
Way back in the fall of 2017, I started a Poshmark closet named @dixie2013. Pretty basic, but it did the job for the time being. After some time of actually making sales however, I realized it would probably benefit me to decide on an actual “business name.” (Check out this post if you want to learn where the name was derived from).
As stated previously, I think reselling is just one of those jobs that choose you. It comes barreling into your life like no other career path and pretty much takes over any chance you had of doing anything else in life. Not in a bad way, but in a way that provides you such freedom in working from home or an office of your choice, at the times and days you choose to do so. Providing in turn, mucho flexibility in living the life you so desire with your loved ones…and/or pets. Shoutout to the furbabies.
Resources and Tips for Poshmark and ebay
Want to stay at home all day and never leave the house? No problemo. Order wholesale in bulk and schedule USPS/UPS pickups on the regular. They’ve got your back.
Want to travel the country in an aesthetic boho van enjoying the comforts of a different location each evening? No biggie. Travel with less inventory and supplies, create a 2-3 bin system and thrift then ship from wherever you end up that day.
Want to raise a family and have a flexible schedule so that you can attend each one of little Bob’s soccer tourneys in nearby states each weekend? Reselling has got that option as well. Turn on vacation mode on the weekends and start back to business hours on Monday morning.
(PS, if you’re wondering where my soccer and Bob comment came from, check out Chapter 2 of my new book).
The point is, reselling always has been and always will be the most flexible career path that nearly anyone can start up whenever they deem is the best time in their lives to do so. And I’m so here for that.
Along the way, Rooted has seen its many ups and downs both personally and professionally, but it’s something I can’t leave behind no matter how many circles I go in thinking about it. It’s a part of my personality. It’s who I am as an individual. Perfect for my over-thinking, constantly analyzing, planning and organizing brain. It’s the checklist I never knew I needed. And it’s also perfect for working from home when it’s time to start a family.
What is reselling for you?
Vacation Mode & Business Reset: Lessons of Letting Go in Reselling
Sometimes, reselling is renewing. It’s refreshing and reusing. It’s learning when to let go of what isn’t working. And lean into what is. It’s understanding when to take a step back and see the bigger picture instead of grinding harder. I noticed this when I took a short break from it recently, and I’d like to share that new information with my friends on the internet. (Like you,
Little did I know that when I clicked the button to put my store on vacation mode before our trip in October, that I’d be leaving that store nearly empty right up until a few weeks ago. Basically, I turned my store off for about 1 month, and then decided to end ALL of my listings.
It was a big decision that I’d been weighing throughout that month long hiatus, but eventually I just opened my laptop and clicked the scary button once again. But you know what? It actually wasn’t as scary as I’d anticipated. I even started to forget about it for a while until I’d run into some inventory in my storage area.
Restarting Listings From Vacation Mode
Then I got the overwhelming feeling that Oh My God, I’m going to have to re-up ALL of those listings one at a time. (Basically because I kept having repeats of cancelations and duplicate items causing my store to drastically decrease in rating). That is essentially what led me to my initial “reset” thought process (as well as knowing I’d have more late items from being gone on vacation).
Related: How Traveling Changed My Attitude Toward Life
It just wasn’t worth it anymore, or was it? For 3 more months I sat idle in listing, shipping, sourcing, you name it. It was a really nice break, to be honest. Especially since I’ve been doing the same thing every single day for nearly a decade. But once the 3 month mark hit, I realized something even more agonizing…
All 4,500+ listings that had been ended were now officially EXPIRED. Things were a bit more simple in those early day’s with Poshmark.
The Painful Side of Vacation Mode
Oof. That hurt once the realization set in. I couldn’t just be lazy and “re-up” my store anymore. I thought for a long time about how much effort and time consumption those almost 5,000 listings had stolen of mine and my husbands summer and free time. We even stopped focusing on gardening or walking together in the evenings because there was shipping or more pictures to be done.
And that, is what I don’t miss.
Although the ended listings expired, it gave me a sense of clarity, a rebirth of my reselling mindset, if you will. Now, I know that it was unintentionally the best thing I could have done because at this point, I have a new plan in place. I have my new intentions in mind and my priorities back in order. Which is something that should honestly never have changed.
I Took a Break From Reselling. And I Liked It.
But that is just life, isn’t it? Constantly changing and adapting to new situations that come into our lives? We make decisions only to hate them later on, and we have regrets even if we don’t mean to. But out of that all comes new knowledge and new encouragement on what kind of person we want to be and what kind of business we actually want to run.
More From Rooted Drawers: Poshmark: The Good, The Bad, and The Sharing
Back to Business: Reconnecting With that Poshmark Girl
Somewhere along the way I stopped treating my business like a business and started treating it more like a hobby. I stopped caring about the input and focused more on why the output was amiss. Only now do I understand that it’s because I focused less on what really mattered and more on why it wasn’t working. Only now do I fully grasp the previous failures and can finally point myself and my business into where it should be growing in the long term.
“If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”
We’ve heard this before many times. And while there’s ALWAYS room for improvement, sometimes the process really is right the first time. You see, once I started changing things, listening to other people both in person and on the internet, I started losing my sense of self in the business. I started focusing externally instead of going inward and bringing out the passion that I have had for Rooted Drawers (…or @dixie2013 back on Poshmark) all along.
Once we can step back and recognize that the best is yet to come, we can stop trying to control every outcome along the way. How are you feeling with your current progress in your business? Reselling or not, I encourage you to stay true to what brought you the joy with creating that path in the first place. I want to empower other entrepreneurs to work on themselves along with their businesses, because by doing so, we can grow with it instead of against it.
“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”
I Hope You Enjoyed Today’s Post “What 2025 Looks Like For Rooted Drawers: Getting Back To Business And A Rebirth Of My Reselling Mindset”
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