Working from Home? Here’s a few things I’ve learned so far:
Hey friends! So if you were here to read my recent posts, you’ll know that I’ve been considering a new post series for the weekly Thursday slot. I mentioned that I felt this was a good time to do a little switcheroo since that postmarked about 7 months since starting the Top 10 Weekly Sales! Holy cow it’s gone by quickly!!
Check the most recent one out below if you’re interested in learning what they were!
- Related: My Top 10 Sales of the Week!
However! I’ve had a few people mention that the Top Ten Sales has really helped them to see what’s selling, so I’ve decided to continue on with that series as well as this new one. The Top Ten Sales posts will be on Saturdays since this new series is taking the Thursday slot. Thank you for your patience as I adjust things!
So, we have begun a new mini-series. These posts will focus on the 3 most important things that I’ve learned as a reseller, (that also works from home as a blogger), and why I value them. I will also explain how I plan to implement them into my everyday full-time reselling business, and how I feel they’ll benefit my brand. I hope you enjoy this new series!
Please feel free to drop any comments or suggestions below in the comment box, so that we can discuss and share similar topics of interest! Thanks for reading!
Disclosure: As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from the following links. Please know that I highly value and utilize each one of these suggestions. I want only to pass these gems forward to you guys, so that you’re able to truly get value from them, such as I have. Thank you for reading and for your continued support! -Shelby
The World Is One Giant Family Reunion
Have you heard this before? If so, you may have read (or listened) to the book/audiobook, “Getting to Yes, by Roger Fisher.” (Try it for free with an Audible Premium Plus subscription). This book is very helpful in gaining knowledge on how to negotiate and work with people, family, and friends better and more successfully.
The reason I’d like to start today’s post with it is this. I never thought of it that way, but the author is very right. The world really is one giant family reunion! We’re all just trying to make ends meet and get by day to day, in business and in life. Working at making each one of those a little better at a time is something that can benefit us as a whole person.
Working from home can be lonely at times. We often end up talking to our pets more than we do actual humans! This can cause a serious feeling that we’re missing out, (FOMO!) and what fun is that?
- Related: How To Work From Home With Pets
When you put into perspective, that the whole human family is now connected in some way, shape, or form, it is truly incredible. Never before has the entire world been able to speak to each other so easily and access so much information at their fingertips.
Of course, this can cause some havoc at times as well, as not all families always get along! However, I suggest trying your best to use this amazing benefit to your advantage, and remembering that the world is much smaller than we think.
Embrace the feeling that you can now work from home, while also sharing emojis and feelings and knowledge worldwide.
Know The Difference Between THE World And MY World
For some reason, this reminds me a bit of the Frank Sinatra song, “My Way.” He is one of the most timeless and admired singers and is one of my most favorites as well.
Anyway, when you think of the world as your own, it’s hard to see anyone else’s point of view. When we work from home, it’s especially difficult because we only have ourselves to talk to.
Yes, there’s social media of course. But oftentimes, that’s just a bunch of nonsense that we don’t need to be listening to anyways. Your world is just that, yours. Stay in it to win it and you will come out on top.
The whole world can be overwhelming, which is how this topic ties into the one above. It’s so easy and convenient to communicate in a “world” of ways today, but it’s also easier to fall into the trap of least resistance.
When you focus on the rest of the world, less time is spent on you and your business. It’s easy to get lost in scrolling on one of the countless platforms available, but you need to stay focused on what matters most.
What matters most to you, me, or anyone else may be different, but the end goal, in my opinion, is that we want to be happy, healthy, and successful in all that we do. And to do this, we need to know the difference between the rest of the world’s drama, and what matters in your own little world of growth and happiness.
A Winner Is A Dreamer Who Never Gives Up (Nelson Mandela)
Dreams. They’re something alright. I, myself absolutely love having dreams. (The kind you have during sleep, too!) But of course, you know already that this is not the sort of dreams Mr. Mandela was referring to. That is a whole different set of dreams.
Dreaming is something that the human population is famous for. We all have them, and they range from big to small to somewhere in between.
We may not all have as spectacular dreams as Nelson Mandela, but we all have dreams of our own, nonetheless. Giant or tiny, dreams are something that we all wish to fulfill at some point in our lifetime.
Being a winner can mean several things. To a loser, it can mean defeat. To an opponent, an upset, a loss, a failure. But to the winner? This can mean several things as well, depending on if you are playing a sport, giving a speech, running a business, or playing rock paper scissors.
Let’s get something straight. You can’t just be a winner. You have to become a winner. And becoming takes overcoming. Overcoming challenges, obstacles, tests, trials and errors, and lots and lots of trip-ups and failures.
Being successful at working from home is hard work. Sure, if you’ve not yet done it, you may be wondering how. You probably think us “work from home-ers” just get up, make coffee, and veg all day…perhaps doing tidbits of work here or there.
But that’s quite the opposite, as working from home takes dedication, determination, and the ability to overcome all of those obstacles to win at your dream. It takes being your own boss and actually living by that, not just saying it.
It takes keeping a schedule, deadlines, and focus. And all of this takes a whole lot of not giving up.
As someone who never thought they’d ever work from home, I value the fact that so many opportunities allow us to these days. All over the world, opportunities await us to open up doors to follow our dreams.
If you want to win, you have to work at your dream every day and never give up. Think like Nelson and go win yourself some dreams.
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!
I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts on Your Way:
Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!
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