Working from Home? Here’s a few things I’ve learned so far:
Hey friends! So if you were here to read my recent posts, you’ll know that I’ve been considering a new post series for the weekly Thursday slot. I mentioned that I felt this was a good time do a little switcheroo, being that, that post marked about 6 months since starting the Top 10 Weekly Sales! Holy cow it’s gone by quickly!! Check the most recent one out below if you’re interested in learning what they were!
However! I’ve had a few people mention that the Top Ten Sales has really helped them to see what’s selling, so I’ve decided to continue on with that series as well as this new one.The Top Ten Sales posts will be on Saturdays, since this new series is taking the Thursday slot. Thank you for your patience as I adjust things!
So, we have begun a new mini series. These posts will focus on the 3 most important things that I’ve learned as a reseller, (that also works from home as a blogger), and why I value them. I will also explain how I plan to implement them into my everyday full-time reselling business, and how I feel they’ll benefit my brand.
I hope you enjoy this new series!Please feel free to drop any comments or suggestions below in the comment box, so that we can discuss and share similar topics of interest!Thanks for reading!
Find Your Meaning
What are you doing this for? Why are you even doing this to begin with?Did someone suggest this to you? Or did you decide all on your own that this was your path?
Find your meaning for what you are doing now, at this moment,and think back to why and how you even got here to begin with. This should make you think of things in a different sense, that you may not have realized before.
Yes, corny as it is, I want you to find yourself. I know it’s a little weird to think about, but it’s something that will truly help you in everyday life from here on out.
Start today. Start seeing yourself from a different point of view. Try imagining yourself doing different tasks, in different ways, to maximize time or space.
When you finally find out what your why is, you will easily be able to take on the rest of the world without question.
“He who has a why, can bear almost any how.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
Time Management is Everything
When I first became a reseller, I couldn’t wait to “work from home.” I was so excited that I would have all of this extra “free time” on my hands. Hah! Boy was I wrong.
If you’re like me, you probably found out pretty quickly that this was pretty much the exact opposite of what was going to happen. Oh, how those lessons were rapidly learned.
You see, when you work from home, I’ve come to the conclusion that no matter what you do as job, time just sucks itself into an endless vortex. It’s not fair. Instead of having more free time, you will most likely have significantly less.
This is why I chose one of today’s topics as time management. “Time management.” It’s funny. I never thought about this even being a thing let alone something that I’d try to make perfection of. But here I am today, preaching all about how I feel as though I’ve found the key to making it work.
There’s always going to be little tweaks and fixes you can make along the way, but once you map out a good schedule that fits everything in,(without making you crazy),you’re pretty good to go.
Take a step back and try planning out an entire day, heck, an entire week even if you’re up for it. See what things you spend too much time on, and which tasks you could either outsource, or remove altogether. Sometimes you need a birds eye view to really get the whole picture.
Drop a comment down below if you decide to take this challenge!
Pick Your Battles
This is a tricky one. Mostly because I don’t want to offend anyone, but I feel like it’s something that a lot of people go through, and I want to help if I can. I’m primarily talking about business ventures, but this could most certainly also apply IRL. (in real life)
When you have a complaint, or a slightly more needy customer than others, feel free to pick which ones are worth fighting, and which ones aren’t.
Sometimes things just are not worth the stress and headache, and could potentially be resolved another way, that may be more beneficial to both parties.(I feel like I can vouch for this, since my husband says I’m a needy customer, too!)
However, just make sure you don’t go all Godzilla on everyone just because you’re having a bad day. Keep your cool, and your reputation will thank you.
My point is, that it’s definitely okay to know what you want.And it’s obviously an issue if something is wrong, damaged, or incorrectly described.If there is ever an issue,(which is normal in any business!)
I like to keep a notepad on my phone for little blurbs that I have typed up to send for times like these. It’s still personal, because it’s not just some random template. I wrote them, and I am sincere about each and every word I say.
This makes my life a little easier, and causes way less stress during the situation.I like to offer a set percentage on partial refunds, and always treat my customers the best that I can. They’re the reason I’m able to sit at my home desk and write this for you, and I can’t truly describe how much I appreciate that.
Thank You!
A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.
Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!
I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.
Be sure to Subscribeto be notified of any new articles to come!
Happy selling friends!
Disclosure: As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from the links listed above. Please know that I highly value each one of these suggestions. I want only to pass these gems forward to you guys, so that you’re able to truly get value from them, such as I have. Thank you for reading and for your continued support! -Shelby
I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.