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why i became a reseller

22 Reasons Why I Became a Reseller

Quick Back Story

5 Minute Read

When I thought about my future career as a child or adolescent, reseller was never one that came to mind.

I wanted to be an astronomer because I absolutely fell in love with looking at the stars. Then I wanted to be a veterinarian. (Of course, I had just gotten my first few pets at this point.) Next, it was a mechanical engineer, one because it sounded cool, and two because it was a skilled job that I could potentially do quite well at, or so I thought.

All of these also had one thing in common, good pay and good benefits, (and a lot of school, which I happened to not be very good at), and who doesn’t think about that at least at some point, right?

This was all well and good, but then in high school, after I’d changed my mind a few more times, as most young adults do, all of the aptitude tests I had to take in computer classes to determine the job I was most suited for kept telling me to be a gardener…really? From playing sports, I figured that I was pretty good with my hands and definitely enjoyed being outside, so there was that. But how on Earth am I supposed to support myself from gardening, I thought.

Gaining Experience

Turns out, that’s pretty much what I do nowadays, besides my reselling business of course. Funny how life works sometimes. I went through a long string of jobs like most folks do when they’re trying to “find themselves.” When I say a long string, I mean like a really long string.

I’ve found that having all of these different jobs though for a few months here or a year or two there, really helped me out in the long run, even if it wasn’t the best decision at the time. By learning such a vast amount from different jobs, I gained a lot of different experiences and learned the best ways to go about the things I would later seek in life. (As in, starting my own reselling business).

Throughout these many jobs and short stints in college two different times, I always came back to waitressing. It wasn’t the most attractive career for my resume, but I did learn a lot about hospitality. (This is what I went to college for the second time, after doing miserably at Criminology the first time around).

Hospitality is something I truly enjoyed, but couldn’t see paying the oodles of dollars for at a university. I felt like this was more of a hands-on learning experience, and that I could work my way up the ladder if I really wanted to. So, back to waitressing, I went.

After falling head over boots for the man of my dreams, (because really, who wears heels anymore these days) we got married and bought a home. I was still working as a waitress when we had discussions of wanting me to be able to stay home with kids whenever we decide to cross that bridge. I was all for this, but I didn’t want my husband to have to bring home all of the bacon either. If I could find a way to stay at home and work, I wanted to do my part and contribute.

Becoming a Full-Time Reseller

That’s when I discovered Poshmark, and long story short, eventually started selling on the platform. After several months, I learned that I could potentially do this full-time, and gain the freedom we’d talked about by staying at home. But, I could still bring some income to the table. Yay!

From there I’ve slowly grown to different platforms and many more listings over the last almost 2 years and knowing that it’ll take a while to gain more traction, I’m really glad I started when I did. This way, when we are ready for children, my business can already be out of its own “baby stages.” (Click here to view my post on 10 Pros Vs. Cons to Being a Multi-Platform Seller).

I’m also grateful for the plethora of different hospitality jobs that I did have because this really helped me in the customer service aspect of my reseller business, which is a large portion of it. I enjoy making people happy and going out of my way where I can to give someone the best experience. And with this job, I really and truly love every bit of what I do.

Reselling wasn’t ever something I’d dreamed of being as a kid, but I’m really grateful for having the opportunity to become a full-time reseller. I have gained so much from this experience, and am learning something new every day. It’s challenging to have to work for yourself, but I enjoy the challenge. Some days can be a lot of hard work, but most are quite rewarding.

Time wasted is never recovered, and now I finally have the time I need to focus on the things I love most. (And guess what, one of those things happens to be gardening!)

My 22 Reasons

(Keep in mind that these are my own personal opinions and reasons. They may apply to you and some may not. These are just the ones that I appreciate most and wanted to share!)

  1. Recycling clothes from landfills.
  2. Finding one-of-a-kind items at corner thrift shops.
  3. Sending those one-of-a-kind items (literally) across the world.
  4. Picking up vintage items and imagining how they used to look in someone’s sitting room.
  5. The luxury to work from home.
  6. Staying home with my (future) children.
  7. Getting to go for more walks with my pups and hanging out with their goofy selves.
  8. Taking more “me-time.” (I’m looking at you Netflix & Chill days).
  9. Planning my day how I want it to be. (No boss, woohoo!)
  10. More time to exercise and take care of my body. (See my post here on How to Stay Healthy and In Shape, While Working From Home.)
  11. Getting the chance to meditate and learning to be more mindful.
  12. Slowing down, aka, not running into anyone with my grocery cart because I was always in a hurry!
  13. Having time to meal prep and think about my food more consciously.
  14. Spending more time with my parents.
  15. Indulging in the time with my husband and the new adventures we now have the time for.
  16. Going out to eat with close friends on a Tuesday at 10 am, just because.
  17. Not having to rush through my cleaning and gardening because I have to be somewhere to punch in.
  18. Embracing more responsibility.
  19. Becoming a more efficient person.
  20. Not having to abide by a schedule someone else deemed to be the best.
  21. Working at my peak creative times and not just because I’m at “work.”
  22. Freedom. To be able to make my own decisions in my business. Because it’s mine, and I can. (I think this is most rewarding.)

Thank You!

A giant thanks to everyone that has supported me this far into my journey! I greatly appreciate you returning to read my posts hope that you will continue to drop by in the future.

Please feel free to drop any comments below that you would like to add! I am always open to advice, suggestions, or even hearing related stories of your own!

I stay as active as possible in the comment section, therefore I will reply to any questions asap.

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Be Sure To Check Out These Helpful Posts on Your Way:

Read All About How to Start Selling on eBay and when you’re finished, freshen up your store with My Best eBay Selling Tips!

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Happy selling friends!


Disclosure: As an affiliate, I may earn a small commission from the links listed above.  Please know that I highly value and utilize each one of these suggestions.  I want only to pass these gems forward to you guys so that you are able to truly able to get value from them as I have.  Thank you for your continued support!

 Check out Habitual Balance


I joined buymeacoffee to allow the opportunity of sharing my love and passion for reselling with everyone. Thank you for your consideration in subscribing to the blog and for the support along the way.